def stairClimb(n):
if n <= 3:
WaysToClimb = [1, 2, 4]
return WaysToClimb[n - 1]
return stairClimb(n - 1) + stairClimb(n - 2) + stairClimb(n - 3)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
使用一种名为continuation-passing style的技术,我们可以在我们的函数中添加第二个参数,告诉我们的函数我们计算的下一步应该是什么
def my_func (x):
return x
def my_cps_func (x, k)
# k represents the "next step"
return k (x)
Python具有简洁的功能,所以我们可以编写我们的函数来支持直接样式和延续传递样式。我们通过指定默认函数作为延续来实现这一点 - 我们将在下面更多地使用此技术,因此请务必先在此处理解
# by default, pass x thru untouched
# this is known as the "identity" function
def add (x, y, k = lambda x: x):
return k (x + y)
# direct style
print (add (2, 3)) # 5
# continuation-passing style
add (2, 3, print) # 5
# direct and CPS mixed! invent your own freedom
print (add (2, 3, lambda sum: add (sum, sum))) # 10
就像一个3-fibonacci程序(有时称为“tribonacci”)只有你的使用一个独特的(1,2,4)种子而不是更传统的(0,0,1)种子 - 我们将 tribonacci 转换为CPS然后我们将在此之后查看您的程序
def tribonacci (n, k = lambda x: x):
if n == 0:
return k (0)
elif n == 1:
return k (0)
elif n == 2:
return k (1)
return tribonacci (n - 1, lambda a:
tribonacci (n - 2, lambda b:
tribonacci (n - 3, lambda c:
k (a + b + c))))
for x in range (1,10):
print (tribonacci (x))
# 0
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 4
# 7
# 13
# 24
# 44
但该函数的time complexity是 O(3 n ) - 因为lambdas可以抽象任意数量的值,这可以通过使用大量优化一个多参数lambda - 这里我们在 O(n)中计算相同的答案,其中lambda a, b, c: ...
# by default, return the first value of the seed
def tribonacci (n, k = lambda a, b, c: a):
if n == 0:
# base seed values
return k (0, 0, 1)
# the next seed (this is our "next step")
return tribonacci (n - 1, lambda a, b, c:
# new seed
# b is the "next a"
# c is the "next b"
# the sum of each is the "next c"
k (b, c, a + b + c))
for x in range (1,10):
print (tribonacci (x))
# 0
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 4
# 7
# 13
# 24
# 44
我们所要做的就是将k (0, 0, 1)
种子更改为k (1, 2, 4)
def stair_climb (n, k = lambda a, b, c: a):
if n == 0:
return k (1, 2, 4)
return stair_climb (n - 1, lambda a, b, c:
k (b, c, a + b + c))
for x in range (1,10):
print (stair_climb (x))
# 2
# 4
# 7
# 13
# 24
# 44
# 81
# 149
# 274
def stair_climb (n, k = lambda a, b, c: a):
if n == 0:
# tail
return k (1, 2, 4)
# tail
return stair_climb (n - 1, lambda a, b, c:
# tail
k (b, c, a + b + c))
但是你有一个更大的问题 - Python没有尾调用消除
print (stair_climb (1000))
# RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
不用担心,一旦你使用了延续传递方式,那就是all sorts of ways around that
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def stairClimb(n, acc, acc1, acc2):
if n == 3:
return acc2
return stairClimb(n-1, acc1, acc2, acc+acc1+acc2)
stairClimb(n, 1, 2, 4)