
时间:2017-11-03 10:23:45

标签: scala playframework slick

我正在使用play-slick插件3.0.1和Play! 2.6.6似乎遇到了问题。



granted_for  grantee  read  write
id1          id2      1     0


import centralapp.api.string.CamelToUnderscore
import models.permissions.grants.Grant
import slick.ast.{BaseTypedType, TypedType}
import slick.jdbc
import slick.jdbc.JdbcType
import slick.jdbc.MySQLProfile.api._
import slick.lifted.ProvenShape

trait HasName {
    * @note "HasName"
  def simpleName: String = getClass.getSimpleName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "")

    * @note "has_name"
  def classNameLower: String = simpleName.toUnderscoreLower

    * @note "HAS_NAME"
  def classNameUpper: String = simpleName.toUnderscoreUpper


trait DBColumn[C, T <: Table[_]] extends HasName {

    * the name of the column
  def columnName: String = classNameLower

    * get the column representation
    * @param c     the TypedType representation of this column's type
    * @param table the table for which the column is being generated
    * @return a Rep[C] (representation of type C)
  def col(implicit c: TypedType[C], table: T): Rep[C] = table.column[C](columnName)



package object db {

    * creates a grant column mapping from a boolean column for a given grant
    * @param g the grant to obtain if the column is set to "true"
    * @tparam G the subtype of the grant
    * @return the JDBC type for the desired value
  def optGrantFromBoolCol[G <: Grant](g: G): JdbcType[Option[G]] with BaseTypedType[Option[G]] = MappedColumnType.base[Option[G], Boolean](
      case true => Some(g)
      case false => None

  abstract class GrantCol[G <: Grant, T <: Table[_]](grant: G) extends DBColumn[Option[G], T] {

    // class Grant also extends HasName; here I want to ensure the column name is exactly the same as the string representation of the grant. 
    override def columnName: String = grant.classNameLower

      * get the column representation
      * @param table the table for which the column is being generated
      * @return a Rep[C] (representation of type C)
    def grantCol(implicit table: T): jdbc.MySQLProfile.api.Rep[Option[G]] = col(optGrantFromBoolCol(grant), table)



object Columns {

  case object GrantedFor extends DBColumn[String, MyTable]
  case object Grantee extends DBColumn[String, MyTable]
  case object Read extends GrantCol[UserGrant, MyTable](usergrants.Read)


// and then used it in a table:

class MyTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[SomeClass](tag, "my_table") {

  implicit def table = this

  val grantedFor = Columns.GrantedFor.col
  val grantee = Columns.Grantee.col
  val read = Columns.Read.grantCol

  def * : ProvenShape[SomeClass] =
    (grantedFor, grantee, read) <> // <- this is the problem: Cannot resolve symbol "<>"  
        ???, // valid constructor from tuple
        ??? // valid unapply

  def other : ProvenShape[OtherClass] =
    (grantedFor, grantee) <> (




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