我最近更改了模式中的一些列名,并根据此更改更新了hibernate映射,但似乎@JoinColumn映射使用旧的列名而不是已输入的新列名。 这是我的映射文件:
function getUrl(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var src_range = s1.getRange("B:B"); // Grab the Column B range
var regExp = /(.*?)\(([^)]+)\)/; // Define the regex
for(i = 1; i<=src_range.getLastRow(); i++) { // Loop through all the cells in the range
if (!src_range.getCell(i, 1).isBlank()) { // If the cell is not blank, process it
var m = regExp.exec(src_range.getCell(i, 1).getValue()); // Run the regex
if (m) { // If there is a match
var text = m[1]; // Text to be placed into Column C
s1.getRange('C' + i).setValue(text);
var url = m[2]; // URL to be placed into Column D
s1.getRange('D' + i).setValue(url);
@Table(name = "matches")
public class MatchDao {
public static final String ID = "id";
public static final String USER1_ID = "user1_id";
public static final String USER2_ID = "user2_id";
public static final String USER1_ROUND_ID = "user1_round_id";
public static final String USER2_ROUND_ID = "user2_round_id";
public static final String MATCH_START_DATE = "match_start_date";
public static final String MATCH_COMPLETED_DATE = "match_completed_date";
public static final String PLAYER1_MATCH_REPORT_SEEN = "player1_match_report_seen";
public static final String PLAYER2_MATCH_REPORT_SEEN = "player2_match_report_seen";
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = ID)
private int id;
@JoinColumn(table = "user", referencedColumnName = UserDao.ID, name = USER1_ID, nullable = false)
private Integer user1Id;
@JoinColumn(table = "user", referencedColumnName = UserDao.ID, name = USER2_ID)
private Integer user2Id;
@JoinColumn(table = "round", referencedColumnName = RoundDao.ID, name = USER1_ROUND_ID)
private Integer user1RoundId;
@JoinColumn(table = "round", referencedColumnName = RoundDao.ID, name = USER2_ROUND_ID)
private Integer user2RoundId;
@Column(name = MATCH_START_DATE)
private Date matchStartDate;
private Date matchCompletedDate;
private Date player1MatchReportSeen;
private Date player2MatchReportSeen;