尽管令牌清理,http :: geturl命令可能会泄漏内存

时间:2017-11-01 14:53:37

标签: tcl

我发出一个问题,当我发出一个http :: getURL请求时,Tcl解释器的内存使用量增加了4KB。这就是我的所作所为:

  • 使用单独的回调程序在名为sendCommand的过程中发出请求。
  • 在回调中处理返回的令牌。
  • 清除sendCommand
  • 末尾的令牌

清理命令似乎工作正常(我通过在清除令牌之后尝试访问令牌的状态数组进行检查,并且正如预期的那样,它不存在)。 我注意到对令牌(::http::1::http::2等)的全局引用随着每个请求的增加而不断递增,即使它们已被清除。我觉得这很奇怪,但似乎只是http包的工作方式。


# sendCommand
#   Desc:   Sends a command to an HTTP server.
#   Param:  type        -   The type of HTTP request being made (GET, POST, PUT, no_options)
#           url         -   The host url.
#           query       -   The "payload" (For POST and PUT types only)
#           callback    -   The procedure to call upon receiving the http response of the request.
proc sendCommand {type url query {callbackProc "::callback::default"}} {
    set token -1
    switch -nocase $type {
        "GET"   {
                    if {$callbackProc == "::callback::getLatestEventID" || $callbackProc ==  "::callback::getEvents"} {
                        set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Bearer $::auth::accessTokenCC"] -handler $callbackProc -timeout 8000] 
                    } elseif {$callbackProc == "::callback::negotiateConnection"} {
                        set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Bearer $::auth::accessToken"] -handler $callbackProc -timeout 15000]
                    } else {
                        set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Bearer $::auth::accessToken" Cookie $::cookie] -handler $callbackProc -timeout 8000] 
        "POST"  { 
                    if {$callbackProc == "::callback::getChannelID"} {
                        set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Bearer $::auth::accessToken" Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Cookie $::cookie] -query $query -handler $callbackProc -timeout 8000]
                    } else {
                        set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Basic $::auth::BASIC_AUTH"] -query $query -handler $callbackProc -timeout 8000]
                        if {$callbackProc == "::callback::refreshTokens"} {
                            if { [::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
                                clearTimer "refreshTokensTID"
                                set ::refreshTokensTID [setTimer 10000]

        "PUT"   { 
                    set token [::http::geturl $url -headers [list Authorization "Bearer $::auth::accessToken" Content-Type application/json Cookie $::cookie] -query $query -method $type -handler $callbackProc -timeout 8000]
    LOG "Token: $token"
    LOG "Token Status:  [::http::status $token]"
    LOG "Token NCode:   [::http::ncode $token]"
    if {$token != -1} {
        ::http::cleanup $token

# subscribeDevice
#   Desc:   Callback for ::signalR::subscribeDevice
#   Param:  socket  - The socket to read the HTTP data from (required by -handler option of ::http::geturl)
#           token   - The returned data (required by -handler option of ::http::geturl)
#   Return: n/a
proc subscribeDevice {socket token} {
    LOG "Token: $token"
    set data [read $socket]
    LOG "data = $data"

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