
时间:2017-10-31 17:31:31

标签: vba


Sub sample()

     Dim i As Long

10   Debug.Print "A"
20   Debug.Print "B"
30   Debug.Print "C"
40   Debug.Print "D"    
50   MsgBox "Done."

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

正如您在此回答Log what line error occurs: vba中所看到的,有两种方法可以做到:

  1. 手动(不快,所以不回答你的问题)
  2. 或者使用一些加载项,例如链接答案中提到的加载项
  3. 或者使用VBA Extensibility编写自己的加载项来执行此操作。
  4. 修改:我从未与VBE extensivbility图书馆合作过,因此我建议您咨询其他来源,例如:http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.aspx
    重新利用Chip Pearson编写的代码我会尝试以下方法,尽管我还没有测试过它:

        With VBComp.CodeModule 'VBComp is VBIDE.VBComponent
            For N = 1 To .CountOfLines
                If Trim(.Lines(N, 1)) = vbNullString Then
                    ' blank line, skip it
                ElseIf Left(Trim(.Lines(N, 1)), 1) = "'" Then
                    ' comment line, skip it
                    .Lines(N, 1) = N & " " & .Lines(N,1)
                End If
            Next N
        End With


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果您想为工作簿中的所有模块提供(更新的)行号(添加和删除),您可以应用以下步骤* ^°°。请考虑此警告。


  1. Module2中的大代码粘贴到工作簿中。
  2. Module3的代码粘贴到工作簿中。
  3. Module4的代码粘贴到工作簿中。
  4. 然后粘贴第Global allow_for_line_addition As String行,这样您就可以自动添加每个第一行上方/的内容 模块。
  5. 删除每个模块末尾的所有空行(因此,在模块的最后end subend functionEnd Property之后不会输入任何内容。
  6. 在VBA编辑器中,虽然没有运行代码,但没有处于“中断”模式:单击工具>引用>标记:`Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3“
  7. 每次修改代码时都会这样做:

    1. °运行Module3的代码,删除工作簿中所有模块的行号。
    2. °运行Module4的代码,为工作簿中的所有模块添加行号。
    3. <强> Module2

          Public Enum vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes
              vbLabelColon    ' 0
              vbLabelTab      ' 1
          End Enum
          Public Enum vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo
              vbScopeAllProc  ' 1
              vbScopeThisProc ' 2
          End Enum
                    Sub AddLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, _
                                                                ByVal vbCompName As String, _
                                                                ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, _
                                                                ByVal AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines As Boolean, _
                                                                ByVal AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc As Boolean, _
                                                                ByVal Scope As vbLineNumbers_ScopeToAddLineNumbersTo, _
                                                                Optional ByVal thisProcName As String)
          ' USAGE RULES
              Dim i As Long
              Dim j As Long
              Dim procName As String
              Dim startOfProcedure As Long
              Dim lengthOfProcedure As Long
              Dim endOfProcedure As Long
              Dim strLine As String
              With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
                  .CodePane.Window.Visible = False
          If Scope = vbScopeAllProc Then
                  For i = 1 To .CountOfLines - 1
                      strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
                      procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc) ' Type d'argument ByRef incompatible ~~> Requires VBIDE library as a Reference for the VBA Project
                      If procName <> vbNullString Then
                          startOfProcedure = .ProcStartLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
                          bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
                          countOfProcedure = .ProcCountLines(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
                          prelinesOfProcedure = bodyOfProcedure - startOfProcedure
                          'postlineOfProcedure = ??? not directly available since endOfProcedure is itself not directly available.
                          lengthOfProcedure = countOfProcedure - prelinesOfProcedure ' includes postlinesOfProcedure !
                          'endOfProcedure = ??? not directly available, each line of the proc must be tested until the End statement is reached. See below.
                          If endOfProcedure <> 0 And startOfProcedure < endOfProcedure And i > endOfProcedure Then
                              GoTo NextLine
                          End If
                          If i = bodyOfProcedure Then inprocbodylines = True
                          If bodyOfProcedure < i And i < startOfProcedure + countOfProcedure Then
                              If Not (.Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _") Then
                                  inprocbodylines = False
                                  PreviousIndentAdded = 0
                                  If Trim(strLine) = "" And Not AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines Then GoTo NextLine
                                  If IsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, i) Then
                                      endOfProcedure = i
                                      If AddLineNumbersToEndOfProc Then
                                          Call IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(wbName, vbCompName, LabelType, endOfProcedure)
                                          GoTo NextLine
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
                                      If HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelColon)
                                      If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
                                          temp_strLine = strLine
                                          .ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & ":" & strLine
                                          new_strLine = .Lines(i, 1)
                                          If Len(new_strLine) = Len(CStr(i) & ":" & temp_strLine) Then
                                              PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ":")
                                              PreviousIndentAdded = Len(CStr(i) & ": ")
                                          End If
                                      End If
                                  ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
                                      If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelTab) Then strLine = RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), vbLabelTab)
                                      If Not HasLabel(strLine, vbLabelColon) Then
                                          temp_strLine = strLine
                                          .ReplaceLine i, CStr(i) & vbTab & strLine
                                          PreviousIndentAdded = Len(strLine) - Len(temp_strLine)
                                      End If
                                  End If
                                  If Not inprocbodylines Then
                                      If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
                                          .ReplaceLine i, Space(PreviousIndentAdded) & strLine
                                      ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
                                          .ReplaceLine i, Space(4) & strLine
                                      End If
                                  End If
                              End If
                          End If
                      End If
                  Next i
          ElseIf AddLineNumbersToEmptyLines And Scope = vbScopeThisProc Then
          End If
                  .CodePane.Window.Visible = True
              End With
          End Sub
                    Function IsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, _
                        ByVal vbCompName As String, _
                        ByVal Line As Long) As Boolean
          With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
          If Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Sub*" _
                      Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Function*" _
                      Or Trim(.Lines(Line, 1)) Like "End Property*" _
                      Then IsProcEndLine = True
          End With
          End Function
                    Sub IndentProcBodyLinesAsProcEndLine(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes, ByVal ProcEndLine As Long)
              Dim procName As String
              Dim startOfProcedure As Long
              Dim endOfProcedure As Long
              With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
                  procName = .ProcOfLine(ProcEndLine, vbext_pk_Proc)
                  bodyOfProcedure = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc)
                  endOfProcedure = ProcEndLine
                  strEnd = .Lines(endOfProcedure, 1)
                  j = bodyOfProcedure
                  Do Until Not .Lines(j - 1, 1) Like "* _" And j <> bodyOfProcedure
                      strLine = .Lines(j, 1)
                      If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
                          If Mid(strEnd, Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1 + 1 + 1, 1) = " " Then
                              .ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 1) & strLine
                              .ReplaceLine j, Space(Len(CStr(endOfProcedure)) + 2) & strLine
                          End If
                      ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
                          If endOfProcedure < 1000 Then
                              .ReplaceLine j, Space(4) & strLine
                              Debug.Print "This tool is limited to 999 lines of code to work properly."
                          End If
                      End If
                      j = j + 1
              End With
          End Sub
                    Sub RemoveLineNumbers(ByVal wbName As String, ByVal vbCompName As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
              Dim i As Long
              With Workbooks(wbName).VBProject.VBComponents(vbCompName).CodeModule
                  'MsgBox ("nr of lines = " & .CountOfLines & vbNewLine & "Procname = " & procName)
                      'MsgBox ("nr of lines REMEMBER MUST BE LARGER THAN 7! = " & .CountOfLines)
                  For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
                      procName = .ProcOfLine(i, vbext_pk_Proc)
                      If procName <> vbNullString Then
                          If i > 1 Then
                                  'MsgBox ("Line " & i & " is a body line " & .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc))
                              If i = .ProcBodyLine(procName, vbext_pk_Proc) Then inprocbodylines = True
                                  If .Lines(i - 1, 1) <> "" Then
                                      'MsgBox (.Lines(i - 1, 1))
                                  End If
                              If Not .Lines(i - 1, 1) Like "* _" Then
                                  'MsgBox (inprocbodylines)
                                  inprocbodylines = False
                                      'MsgBox ("recoginized a line that should be substituted: " & i)
                                  'MsgBox ("about to replace " & .Lines(i, 1) & vbNewLine & " with: " & RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType) & vbNewLine & " with label type: " & LabelType)
                                  .ReplaceLine i, RemoveOneLineNumber(.Lines(i, 1), LabelType)
                                  If IsInProcBodyLines Then
                                      ' do nothing
                                          'MsgBox (i)
                                      .ReplaceLine i, Mid(.Lines(i, 1), RemovedChars_previous_i + 1)
                                  End If
                              End If
                          End If
                      ' GoTo NextLine
                      End If
                  Next i
              End With
          End Sub
                    Function RemoveOneLineNumber(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes)
              RemoveOneLineNumber = aString
              If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then
                  If aString Like "#:*" Or aString Like "##:*" Or aString Like "###:*" Or aString Like "####:*" Then
                      RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 1 + InStr(1, aString, ":", vbTextCompare))
                      If Left(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2) Like " [! ]*" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(RemoveOneLineNumber, 2)
                  End If
              ElseIf LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
                  If aString Like "#   *" Or aString Like "##  *" Or aString Like "### *" Or aString Like "#### *" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = Mid(aString, 5)
                  If aString Like "#" Or aString Like "##" Or aString Like "###" Or aString Like "####" Then RemoveOneLineNumber = ""
              End If
          End Function
                    Function HasLabel(ByVal aString As String, ByVal LabelType As vbLineNumbers_LabelTypes) As Boolean
              If LabelType = vbLabelColon Then HasLabel = InStr(1, aString & ":", ":") < InStr(1, aString & " ", " ")
              If LabelType = vbLabelTab Then
                  HasLabel = Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "#   " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "##  " Or Mid(aString, 1, 4) Like "### " Or Mid(aString, 1, 5) Like "#### "
              End If
          End Function
                    Function RemoveLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
              Do Until Left(aString, 1) <> " "
                  aString = Mid(aString, 2)
              RemoveLeadingSpaces = aString
          End Function
                    Function WhatIsLineIndent(ByVal aString As String) As String
              i = 1
              Do Until Mid(aString, i, 1) <> " "
                  i = i + 1
              WhatIsLineIndent = i
          End Function
                    Function HowManyLeadingSpaces(ByVal aString As String) As String
              HowManyLeadingSpaces = WhatIsLineIndent(aString) - 1
          End Function

      <强> Module3

          Global allow_for_line_addition As String 'this is just so that you can automatically add linenumbers
                  Sub remove_line_numbering_all_modules()
          'source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36791473/vba-getting-the-modules-in-workbook
          'This code numbers all the modules in your .xlsm
              Dim vbcomp As VBComponent
              Dim modules As Collection
          Set modules = New Collection
              For Each vbcomp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
                  'if normal or class module
                  If ((vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule) Or (vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule)) Then
                         RemoveLineNumbers wbName:=ThisWorkbook.name, vbCompName:=vbcomp.name, LabelType:=vbLabelColon
                         'Call RemoveLineNumbers(ThisWorkbook.name, vbcomp.name)
                  End If
              Next vbcomp
          End Sub

      <强> Module4

          Global allow_for_line_addition As String 'this is just so that you can automatically add linenumbers
          'This sub adds line numbers to all the modules after you have added the following line to every module
          'add tools references microsoft visual basic for applications (5.3) as checked
          'Source httpsstackoverflow.comquestions40731182excel-vba-how-to-turn-on-line-numbers-in-code-editor50368332#50368332
                  Sub add_line_numbering_all_modules()
          'source: https://www.stackoverflow.com/questions/36791473/vba-getting-the-modules-in-workbook
          'This code numbers all the modules in your .xlsm
              Dim vbcomp As VBComponent
              Dim modules As Collection
              Set modules = New Collection
              For Each vbcomp In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
                  'if normal or class module
                  If ((vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule) Or (vbcomp.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule)) Then
                         Call AddLineNumbers(ThisWorkbook.name, vbcomp.name, vbLabelColon, True, True, vbScopeAllProc)
                         'Call AddLineNumbers(ThisWorkbook.name, vbcomp.name)
                  End If
              Next vbcomp
          End Sub


      • *请注意这在excel 2016中有效,我还没有在2013年尝试过。
      • ^这是Hemced的回答here.的修改版本,反过来看起来很像Arich的回答here
      • °因为有时候如果你将线条剪掉或移动它们会导致错误(例如将line 2440:放在line 2303:之上)。通过删除和重新添加它们,行号将再次自动更正。
      • °°在Excel 2016中测试。