Python:将pandas dataframe写入google工作表:AttributeError:'module'对象没有属性'open'

时间:2017-10-29 22:40:15

标签: python google-sheets google-sheets-api gspread

我有这个python文件,将使用Google写入我的Google表格 使用此示例中的代码来完成表格API Python Google API writing to Google Sheet 谷歌片:

values = [
    ["Item", "Cost", "Stocked", "Ship Date",],
    ["Wheel", "20.50", "4", "3/1/2016",],
    ["Door", "15", "2", "3/15/2016",],
    ["Engine", "100", "1", "30/20/2016",],
    ["Totals", "=SUM(B2:B4)", "=SUM(C2:C4)", "=MAX(D2:D4)",],
Body = {  
'values' : values,
'majorDimension' : 'ROWS',
result = service.spreadsheets().values().update(
spreadsheetId=spreadsheetID, range=rangeName, 
valueInputOption='USER_ENTERED', body=Body).execute()  
print("Writing OK!!")


    Date    ORCL    TSLA    IBM YELP    MSFT
0   10/24/2016  37.665958   202.759995  145.080612  34.48   59.564964
1   10/25/2016  37.754536   202.339996  145.379303  33.950001   59.555199
2   10/26/2016  37.705326   202.240005  146.275406  33.490002   59.203667
3   10/27/2016  37.616749   204.009995  147.759277  32.740002   58.686134
4   10/28/2016  37.567539   199.970001  147.046234  32.290001   58.461548
5   10/31/2016  37.813587   197.729996  148.086884  32.66   58.510365
246 10/16/2017  48.860001   350.600006  146.830002  43.52   77.650002
247 10/17/2017  49.189999   355.75  146.539993  43.200001   77.589996
248 10/18/2017  49.580002   359.649994  159.529999  44.580002   77.610001
249 10/19/2017  49.349998   351.809998  160.899994  44.439999   77.910004
250 10/20/2017  49.25   345.100006  162.070007  44.52   78.809998
251 10/23/2017  49.310001   337.019989  159.550003  43.599998   78.830002

我从这里试过: Appending pandas Data Frame to Google spreadsheet 对谷歌的电子表格

import gspread
import gc
import pandas as pd
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
sh.share('', perm_type='user', role='writer')
sh = gc.open_by_key('1C09vB5F8zcyOrY4w_rctVUedXYJCZqtyoTc-bB0bgBY')

sheetName = 'sheet1'
rangeName = "Sheet1!A1:F252"


df = pd.DataFrame()

经过一些处理后,已创建非空数据框...和 填充它:

    Date    ORCL    TSLA    IBM YELP    MSFT
0   10/24/2016  37.665958   202.759995  145.080612  34.48   59.564964
1   10/25/2016  37.754536   202.339996  145.379303  33.950001   59.555199
2   10/26/2016  37.705326   202.240005  146.275406  33.490002   59.203667
3   10/27/2016  37.616749   204.009995  147.759277  32.740002   58.686134
4   10/28/2016  37.567539   199.970001  147.046234  32.290001   58.461548
5   10/31/2016  37.813587   197.729996  148.086884  32.66   58.510365
246 10/16/2017  48.860001   350.600006  146.830002  43.52   77.650002
247 10/17/2017  49.189999   355.75  146.539993  43.200001   77.589996
248 10/18/2017  49.580002   359.649994  159.529999  44.580002   77.610001
249 10/19/2017  49.349998   351.809998  160.899994  44.439999   77.910004
250 10/20/2017  49.25   345.100006  162.070007  44.52   78.809998
251 10/23/2017  49.310001   337.019989  159.550003  43.599998   78.830002

# Output_conn ="SheetName").worksheet("xyz")
# Here 'SheetName' is google spreadsheet and 'xyz' is sheet in the workbook

Output_conn =

for i,row in df.iterrows():

来自:Appending pandas Data Frame to Google spreadsheet frame-to-google-spreadsheet


Output_conn =

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open'


import gspread
import gc
import pandas as pd
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
sh.share('', perm_type='user', role='writer')
sh = gc.open_by_key('1C09vB5F8zcyOrY4w_rctVUedXYJCZqtyoTc-bB0bgBY')



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