void Simplex(std::vector<double>& result, std::function<double(std::vector<double>)> func,
std::vector<double> init, std::vector<std::vector<double>> x = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(),
double EPS = 1E8 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), int MAXIT = 1000000)
int N = init.size(); // Space Dimension
// Coefficients for the new points.
const double a = 1.0; // a: Reflection
const double b = 1.0; // b: Expansion
const double g = 0.5; // g: Contraction
const double h = 0.5; // h: Multi-Contraction
std::vector<double> xcentroid_old(N, 0); // Old Simplex Centroid * (N + 1)
std::vector<double> xcentroid_new(N, 0); // New Simplex Centroid * (N + 1)
std::vector<double> vf(N + 1, 0); // Values at Simplex Vertexes
int x1 = 0; // Index of smallest vertex.
int xn = 0; // Index of second greatest vertex.
int xnp1 = 0; // Index of greatest vertex.
int countIT = 0; // Iteration Count
// If no initial simplex is specified, construct the trial simplex.
if (x.size() == 0)
std::vector<double> del(init);
// del = init / 20
std::transform(del.begin(), del.end(), del.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::divides<double>(), 20));
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
std::vector<double> tmp(init);
tmp[i] += del[i];
// Calculate the xcentriod.
std::transform(init.begin(), init.end(), xcentroid_old.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::multiplies<double>(), N + 1));
std::vector<double> xg(N);
std::vector<double> xr(N);
std::vector<double> xe(N);
std::vector<double> xc(N);
// Optimization starts.
for (countIT = 0; countIT < MAXIT; countIT++)
for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
vf[i] = func(x[i]);
// Find index of max, second max, min of vf.
x1 = 0; xn = 0; xnp1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vf.size(); i++)
if (vf[i] < vf[x1])
x1 = i;
if (vf[i] > vf[xnp1])
xnp1 = i;
xn = x1;
for (int i = 0; i < vf.size(); i++)
if (vf[i] < vf[xnp1] && vf[i] > vf[xn])
xn = i;
// xg: Centroid of the N best vertexes.
std::fill(xg.begin(), xg.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
if (i != xnp1)
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(), x[i].begin(), xg.begin(), std::plus<double>());
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(),
x[xnp1].begin(), xcentroid_new.begin(), std::plus<double>());
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(), xg.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::divides<double>(), N));
// Termination condition: change (sum of absolute differences on all dimensions)
// of simplex centroid is less than EPS.
double diff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
diff += fabs(xcentroid_old[i] - xcentroid_new[i]);
if (diff / N < EPS)
// Reflection
std::fill(xr.begin(), xr.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
xr[i] = xg[i] + a * (xg[i] - x[xnp1][i]);
double fxr = func(xr);
if (vf[x1] <= fxr && fxr <= vf[xn])
// If f(x1) <= f(xr) <= f(xn), update xnp1 to xr.
std::copy(xr.begin(), xr.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
else if (fxr < vf[x1])
// If f(xr) < f(x1), expansion.
std::fill(xe.begin(), xe.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
xe[i] = xr[i] + b * (xr[i] - xg[i]);
// Update xnp1 to the better one of xr or xe.
if (func(xe) < fxr)
std::copy(xe.begin(), xe.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
std::copy(xr.begin(), xr.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
else if (fxr > vf[xn])
// If f(xr) > f(xn), contraction.
std::fill(xc.begin(), xc.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
xc[i] = xg[i] + g * (x[xnp1][i] - xg[i]);
if (func(xc) < vf[xnp1])
// If f(xc) < f(xnp1), update xnp1 to xc.
std::copy(xc.begin(), xc.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
// If f(xc) >= f(xnp1), multi-contraction.
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
if (i != x1)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
x[i][j] = x[x1][j] + h * (x[i][j] - x[x1][j]);
if (countIT == MAXIT)
throw std::invalid_argument("Iteration limit achieves, result may not be optimal.");
result = x[x1];
void Simplex_Original(std::vector<double>& result, std::function<double(std::vector<double>)> func,
std::vector<double> init, std::vector<std::vector<double>> x = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(),
double EPS = 1E8 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), int MAXIT = 1000000)
int N = init.size(); // Space Dimension
// Coefficients for the new points.
const double a = 1.0; // a: Reflection
const double b = 1.0; // b: Expansion
const double g = 0.5; // g: Contraction
const double h = 0.5; // h: Multi-Contraction
std::vector<double> xcentroid_old(N, 0); // Old Simplex Centroid * (N + 1)
std::vector<double> xcentroid_new(N, 0); // New Simplex Centroid * (N + 1)
std::vector<double> vf(N + 1, 0); // Values at Simplex Vertexes
int x1 = 0; // Index of smallest vertex.
int xn = 0; // Index of second greatest vertex.
int xnp1 = 0; // Index of greatest vertex.
int countIT = 0; // Iteration Count
// If no initial simplex is specified, construct the trial simplex.
if (x.size() == 0)
std::vector<double> del(init);
// del = init / 20
std::transform(del.begin(), del.end(), del.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::divides<double>(), 20));
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
std::vector<double> tmp(init);
tmp[i] += del[i];
// Calculate the xcentriod.
std::transform(init.begin(), init.end(), xcentroid_old.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::multiplies<double>(), N + 1));
// Optimization starts.
for (countIT = 0; countIT < MAXIT; countIT++)
for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
vf[i] = func(x[i]);
// Find index of max, second max, min of vf.
x1 = 0; xn = 0; xnp1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vf.size(); i++)
if (vf[i] < vf[x1])
x1 = i;
if (vf[i] > vf[xnp1])
xnp1 = i;
xn = x1;
for (int i = 0; i < vf.size(); i++)
if (vf[i] < vf[xnp1] && vf[i] > vf[xn])
xn = i;
// xg: Centroid of the N best vertexes.
std::vector<double> xg(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
if (i != xnp1)
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(), x[i].begin(), xg.begin(), std::plus<double>());
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(),
x[xnp1].begin(), xcentroid_new.begin(), std::plus<double>());
std::transform(xg.begin(), xg.end(), xg.begin(),
std::bind2nd(std::divides<double>(), N));
// Termination condition: change (sum of absolute differences on all dimensions)
// of simplex centroid is less than EPS.
double diff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
diff += fabs(xcentroid_old[i] - xcentroid_new[i]);
if (diff / N < EPS)
// Reflection
std::vector<double> xr(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
xr[i] = xg[i] + a * (xg[i] - x[xnp1][i]);
double fxr = func(xr);
if (vf[x1] <= fxr && fxr <= vf[xn])
// If f(x1) <= f(xr) <= f(xn), update xnp1 to xr.
std::copy(xr.begin(), xr.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
else if (fxr < vf[x1])
// If f(xr) < f(x1), expansion.
std::vector<double> xe(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
xe[i] = xr[i] + b * (xr[i] - xg[i]);
// Update xnp1 to the better one of xr or xe.
if (func(xe) < fxr)
std::copy(xe.begin(), xe.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
std::copy(xr.begin(), xr.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
else if (fxr > vf[xn])
// If f(xr) > f(xn), contraction.
std::vector<double> xc(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
xc[i] = xg[i] + g * (x[xnp1][i] - xg[i]);
if (func(xc) < vf[xnp1])
// If f(xc) < f(xnp1), update xnp1 to xc.
std::copy(xc.begin(), xc.end(), x[xnp1].begin());
// If f(xc) >= f(xnp1), multi-contraction.
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
if (i != x1)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
x[i][j] = x[x1][j] + h * (x[i][j] - x[x1][j]);
if (countIT == MAXIT)
throw std::invalid_argument("Iteration limit achieves, result may not be optimal.");
result = x[x1];
double func(vector<double> x)
return (x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]) * (x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]) - (x[0] - 3 * x[1]) * (x[0] - 3 * x[1]);
void main()
int m = 1000, n = 10;
double dz = 0.1 / m / n;
vector<double> init(2), result(2);
init[0] = 3; init[1] = 3;
clock_t t1;
t1 = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
init[0] += dz;
Optimizer::Simplex_Original(result, func, init);
cout << "Old:" << '\t' << float(clock() - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
cout << result[0] << '\t' << result[1] << endl;
init[0] = 3; init[1] = 3;
t1 = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
init[0] += dz;
Optimizer::Simplex(result, func, init);
cout << "New:" << '\t' << float(clock() - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
cout << result[0] << '\t' << result[1] << endl;
我在发布模式下使用VS 2013,O2已开启。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为向量构造函数知道内存是连续的,将能够更好地优化设置其内容。它可能只是memset整个区域,或类似的东西,而std :: fill不知道它正在访问什么类型的容器,所以必须通过递增每个元素的迭代器并单独写每个元素来迭代所有元素。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
std::vector<double> xg(N, 0);
std::fill(xg.begin(), xg.end(), 0);