test_function <- function(formula, dataset, k, repeats) {
# k is a number of folds used for cross-validation (CV)
# repeats represents the number of repeats of CV
for (m in 1:repeats){
# randomly shuffle dataset
dataset <- dataset[sample(nrow(dataset)), ]
#Create k equally size folds
folds <- cut(seq(1, nrow(dataset)), breaks = k, labels = FALSE)
for (j in 1:k){
#Segement my data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds == j, arr.ind = TRUE)
test <- dataset[testIndexes, ]
train <- dataset[-testIndexes, ]
MLR <- stats::step(lm(formula, data = train), direction = "both", trace = TRUE)
test_predicted <- predict(MLR, test)
# Example
# install.packages("dendroTools") # to get data used in the example below
data("example_dataset_1") # load the data used in the example bellow
test_function(formula = MVA~., dataset = example_dataset_1, k = 10, repeats = 2)
... 166 lines ...
- T_aug_sep 1 0.2973 8.0723 -92.866
<none> 7.7750 -92.817
- T_APR 1 4.2533 12.0283 -72.127
Step: AIC=-92.87
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) :
invalid 'envir' argument of type 'closure'
Calls: test_function ... eval -> eval -> <Anonymous> -> model.frame.default -> eval
Execution halted