Excel VBA if语句忽略循环

时间:2017-10-26 21:00:04

标签: excel vba excel-vba loops if-statement




Sub Fill()
Dim col As Integer
Dim row As Integer
For col = 1 To 3
    For row = 1 To 3
        If Cells(3, col + 3) = Cells(row + 3, 1) Then
        Cells(row + 3, col + 3).Value = Cells(row + 3, col + 2)
        End If
    Next row
Next col
End Sub


  |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |
3 |     |     |     |  1  |  2  |  3  |
4 |  1  |     | 101 | 101 |     |     |
5 |  2  |     | 101 |     | 101 |     |
6 |  3  |     | 101 |     |     | 101 |



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我相信col + 2只是3,即从C列获取值:

Sub Fill()
Dim col As Integer
Dim row As Integer
For col = 1 To 3
    For row = 1 To 3
        If Cells(3, col + 3) = Cells(row + 3, 1) Then
        Cells(row + 3, col + 3).Value = Cells(row + 3, 3)
        End If
    Next row
Next col
End Sub


Sub Fill()    
    Dim hor As Long
    Dim ver As Long
    For hor = 4 To 6 ' it will be easier to understand if you use the counter
                     ' to refer to the actual column
        For ver = 4 To 6 ' it will be easier to understand if you use the counter
                         ' to refer to the actual row
            If Cells(3, hor).Value = Cells(ver, "A").Value Then
                Cells(ver, hor).Value = Cells(ver, "C").Value
            End If
        Next ver
    Next hor
End Sub




答案 1 :(得分:0)


Sub Fill()
    Dim col As Integer
    Dim row As Integer
    For col = 4 To 6
        For row = 2 To 4
            If Cells(row, 1) = Cells(1, col) Then
                Cells(row, col).Value = Cells(row, 3)
            End If
        Next row
    Next col
End Sub