我有一个包含S& P500组件历史日内数据(1分钟频率)的文件夹,保存为单个.parquet表(500个文件,总共7.60GB)。
每个表都有一个日期时间索引和五列('打开','高','低','关闭','音量'),但它们都有不同的长度(取决于它们的IPO ):
Apple Amazon
Open High Low Close Volume Open High Low Close Volume
我的工作站有一个i7 CPU(4C / 8T)和16GB内存,所以我认为我能够将这个大数据帧完全加载到内存中,但我不知道像Dask这样的解决方案是否能更高效。我对Dask的问题是文档很差,缺少示例,我不是专业开发人员,所以要为我实现它并不容易。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
下面的代码部分包含两个功能。 df_sample()
创建所需大小的数据框,起始点和列名称。函数multiJoin()接受预定义的数据帧列表,并使用pandas Join可用的任何方法将它们连接起来。使用该设置,您只需运行multiJoin(dfs = [df1, df2, df3], method = 'outer', names = ['Apple', 'Amazon', 'SomeOther'])
即可获得样本数据帧的所需结果。我添加了一个函数newNames(df, sep, name1, name2)
Apple Amazon
Open High Low Close Volume Open High Low Close Volume
# imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Function for reproducible data sample
def df_sample(start, rows, names):
''' Function to create data sample with random returns
rows : number of rows in the dataframe
names: list of names to represent assets
>>> returns(rows = 2, names = ['A', 'B'])
2017-01-01 0.0027 0.0075
2017-01-02 -0.0050 -0.0024
listVars= names
rng = pd.date_range(start, periods=rows, freq='D')
df_temp = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(-100,200,size=(rows, len(listVars))), columns=listVars)
df_temp = df_temp.set_index(rng)
#df_temp = df_temp / 10000
return df_temp
colNames = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']
# Reproducible dataframes
df1 = df_sample('1/1/2017', 150,colNames)
df2 = df_sample('2/1/2017', 150,colNames)
df3 = df_sample('3/1/2017', 150,colNames)
def multiJoin(dfs, method, names):
""" Takes a pre-defined list of pandas dataframes and joins them
by the method specified and available in df.join().
This is a specific case for joining a bunch og OHLCV tables,
so column names will overlap. You should therefore specify
a list for each dataframe to provide unique column names.
Joining dataframes with different indexes will result in
omitted and / or missing data.
Using method = 'outer' will display missing values for mismatching dates.
Using method = 'inner' will keep only dates where all dataframes have values and omit
all other.
# Isolate a df to join all other dfs on
df_left = dfs[0]
df_left.columns = [names[0]+ '_' + col for col in df_left.columns]
df_other = dfs[1:]
# Manage names
names_other = names[1:]
# Loop through list of dataframes to join on the first one,
# and rename columns
counter = 0
for df in df_other:
df.columns = [names_other[counter] + '_' + col for col in df.columns]
df_left = df_left.join(df, how = method)
counter = counter + 1
return df_left
dfJoined_outer = multiJoin(dfs = [df1, df2, df3], method = 'outer', names = ['Apple', 'Amazon', 'SomeOther'])
如果您运行dfJoined_inner = multiJoin(dfs = [df1, df2, df3], method = 'inner', names = ['Apple', 'Amazon', 'SomeOther'])
我添加了一个基于pandas.MultiIndex.from_arrays构建的函数,该函数将为您提供层次结构列名,使您的数据框看起来就像您所请求的那样。只需运行df_multi = newNames(df = dfJoined_inner, sep = '_')
def newNames(df, sep, name1, name2):
""" Takes a single column index from a pandas dataframe,
splits the original titles by a specified separator,
and replaces the single column index with a
multi index. You can also assign names to levels of your new index
df_temp = dfJoined_inner
sep = '_'
single = pd.Series(list(df_temp))
multi= single.str.split(sep, expand = True)
multiIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays((multi[0], multi[1]), names = (name1, name2))
df_new = pd.DataFrame(df_temp.values, index = df_temp.index, columns = multiIndex)
df_multi = newNames(df = dfJoined_inner, sep = '_', name1 = 'Stock', name2 = 'Category')
Stock Apple Amazon SomeOther
Category Open High Low Close Open High Low Close Open High Low Close
2017-05-26 -92 140 47 -53 -73 -50 -94 -72 16 115 96 74
2017-05-27 169 -34 -78 120 46 195 28 186 -9 102 -13 141
2017-05-28 -98 -10 57 151 169 -17 148 150 -26 -43 -53 63
2017-05-29 1 87 38 0 28 71 52 -57 6 86 179 -6
2017-05-30 -31 52 33 63 46 149 -71 -30 -20 188 -34 -60