
时间:2017-10-23 08:56:56

标签: list lisp

给出一个列表L=(M,A1,A2,...,An)。查找L1=(Ai,Ai+1,...,Ai+k), i+k<=N, i>=1,


例如1:L=(12 1 3 -16 5 7 8 2 2), M=12 结果:L=((1 3 -16)(5 7)(8 2 2)) 1+3-16=12, 5+7=12, 8+2+2=12

例外L=(14 1 15 -1 14 5 6) 结果:L=((15 -1)(14)) 适用于1=14->no1+15=14->no1+15-1=14->no1+15-1+14=14->no1+15-1+14+5=14->no1+15-1+14+5+6=14->no
我们转到下一个项15=14->no15-1=14->YES!提取(15 -1) 我们继续讨论下一项14=14->YES!提取(14) 我们继续讨论下一个项目5=14->no5+6=14->no 完成结果(15 -1) (14)



(setq l '(6 1 2 3 6 14 3))
(setq comb nil)
(setq rez nil)
(defun sublist (lst)
    (secondfunction (car lst) (cdr lst)) 
(defun pairnil (list1)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x nil)) list1)
(defun pair (a list1)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (append  x  (list a))) list1)
(defun secondfunction (head other)
    (run (cdr other) (cdr other) (pairnil other) (cdr(pairnil other)) (pairnil(car(pairnil other))))
    (final comb head nil)
(defun final (lst el result)
(if (>(length lst) 0)
        (if(eq(loop for x in (car lst) sum x) el) (final (cdr lst) el (append result (cons (car lst) nil)))
        (if(>(length lst) 0)(final (cdr lst) el result )))
    (setq rez result)   
(final comb (car l) nil)
(defun run (lst1 ilst1 lst2 ilst2 temp)
    (if (eq(car ilst1) nil) (setq comb lst2))
    (when (>(length lst1)0)
        (if (>(length ilst1)0) (run lst1 (cdr ilst1) (append lst2 (pair (car ilst1) temp)) ilst2 (append temp (pair (car ilst1) temp))))
        (if (=(length ilst1)0) (run (cdr lst1) (cdr lst1) lst2 (cdr ilst2) (pairnil(car ilst2))))       
(sublist l)

结果((6) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (3 3)),但这不能正常工作。在示例中,我已经解释了它应该如何工作。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


map over all sublists of list and append the results
    map over all sublists of this reversed sublist and append the results
      when the sum of the items is M then collect a list of the reverse sublist


  • mapcon用于映射
  • reverse用于撤消
  • reduce求和

答案 1 :(得分:0)


(setq l '(6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1))
(setq comb nil)
(setq rez nil)

(defun sublist (lst)
(secondfunction (car lst) (cdr lst)) 

(defun secondfunction (head other)
(run (cdr other) (cdr other) (list(car other)) (list(list(car other))))
(final comb head nil)

(defun final (lst el result)

(if (>(length lst) 0)
    (if(eq(loop for x in (car lst) sum x) el) (final (cdr lst) el (append result (cons (car lst) nil)))
    (if(>(length lst) 0)(final (cdr lst) el result )))
(setq rez result)   


(final comb (car l) nil)

(defun run (lst1  lst2 temp r)

(if (not(eq(car lst1) nil))
    (if (not(eq(car lst2) nil))
        (run lst1 (cdr lst2) (append temp (list (car lst2))) (append r (list (append temp (list (car lst2))))))
        (run (cdr lst1) (cdr lst1) (list(car lst1)) (append r (list(list (car lst1)))))
    (setq comb r)


(sublist l)