
时间:2017-10-13 13:18:15

标签: java android kotlin android-room


@Entity(tableName = "Person")
data class Person(@PrimaryKey var id: Int,
              var firstName: String,
              var surname: String,
              var age: Int,
              var numberOfHobbies: Int) {
    constructor() : this(0, "", "", 0, 0)

@Entity(tableName = "Skill")
data class Skill(@PrimaryKey var id: Int,
             var skillName: String) {
    constructor() : this(0, "")

@Entity(tableName = "PersonSkill")
data class PersonSkill(var personId: Int,
                   var skillId: Int) {
    constructor() : this(0, 0)

    @field:PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    var id: Int = 0


data class SkillWithPersons(
    @Embedded var skill: Skill = Skill(0, "UNKNOWN"),
            parentColumn = "id",
            entityColumn = "skillId",
            entity = PersonSkill::class,
            projection = arrayOf("personId")
    ) var personIds: List<Int> = emptyList()
) {
      constructor() : this(Skill(0, "UNKNOWN"), emptyList())

data class PersonWithSkills(
    @Embedded var person: Person = Person(0, "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0, 0),
            parentColumn = "id",
            entityColumn = "personId",
            entity = PersonSkill::class,
            projection = arrayOf("skillId")
    ) var skillIds: List<Int> = emptyList()
) {
      constructor(): this(Person(0, "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0, 0), emptyList())


e: error: Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).

e:   Tried the following constructors but they failed to match:
e:   Integer(int) : [value : null]
e:   Integer(java.lang.String) : [s : null]
e: error: Entities and Pojos must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).

e: java.lang.IllegalStateException:


带Gradle 4的Android Studio 3.0, 房间:1.0.0-alpha9-1, 构建工具:26.0.2, 科特林:1.1.51


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

现在,房间里的@Relation标签只支持#34; Florina Muntenescu&#34;提到的一对多关系。在她的博客post


@Entity(tableName = "Person")
data class Person(@PrimaryKey 
                  var id: Int = 0,
                  var firstName: String = "",
                  var surname: String = "",
                  var age: Int = 0,
                  var numberOfHobbies: Int = 0)

@Entity(tableName = "Skill")
data class Skill(@PrimaryKey 
                 var id: Int = 0,
                 var skillName: String = "")

@Entity(tableName = "PersonSkill")
data class PersonSkill(@PrimaryKey 
                       var id: Int = 0
                       var personId: Int = 0,
                       var skillId: Int = 0)

data class SkillWithPersons(
    var skill: Skill? = null 
            parentColumn = "id",
            entityColumn = "skillId",
            entity = PersonSkill::class,
            projection = arrayOf("personId")) 
            var personIds: List<Int> = ArrayList()

data class PersonWithSkills(
    var person: Person? = null
            parentColumn = "id",
            entityColumn = "personId",
            entity = PersonSkill::class,
            projection = arrayOf("skillId")) 
            var skillIds: List<Int> = ArrayList()
