
时间:2017-10-11 03:20:26

标签: c

#include <stdio.h>                  
#include <ctype.h>                  
#define MAXGUESSES 5

void Instructions();

int PlayGuess(char solution);

char  GetLetter();

int CompareLetters(char guess, char solution);

int main()
    int i = 0;
    int numgames = 0;
    char solution;
    char guess;
    int compareletter(char guess, char solution);
    FILE *inp;
    inp = fopen("letterList.txt", "r");
    fscanf(inp, "%c", &solution);
    //get number of games the user wants to play
    printf("Please enter the number of games you want to play\n");
    scanf("%d", &numgames);
    for (i = 1; i <= numgames; i++)
        //print current game (value of i)
            //get letter to guess from file
            fscanf(inp, "%c", &solution);
            printf("\nThe letter is %c\n", solution);


void Instructions()
    printf("Welcome to Letter Guess\n");
    printf("To begin you will enter the number of games you want to 
play(1 – 4 games)\n");
    printf("You have 5 chances to guess each letter\n");
    printf("Let's begin\n");


int PlayGuess(char solution) //player defined guesses.
    int numGuesses = 0;
    int winOrLose = 0;
    while (numGuesses < MAXGUESSES)

            numGuesses = numGuesses + 1;
            if (numGuesses>MAXGUESSES)
                    printf("You have run out of guesses\n");

    return 0;

//get the guess from the user (call GetLetter function)
//call compareLetters function

char GetLetter()
    char guess = 0;
    char solution;
    printf("Enter a guess:", guess);
    scanf(" %c", &guess);
    CompareLetters(guess, solution);
    return guess;

//compare the guess and the solution
//return a 1 if they are the same
// message based on before or after alphabetically
//return a 0 if the guess and answer are not the same

int CompareLetters(char guess, char solution)
    if (guess == solution) //if answer is correct
    {   printf("Thats it!\n");
    return 1;
        if (guess<solution)
                printf("The letter you are trying to guess comes after %c\n", guess);
                printf("\nTry again\n");

                return 0;
            if (guess>solution)
            { printf("The letter you are trying to guess comes before %c", guess);
    printf("\nTry again\n");
    return 0;





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  1. 只需添加char solution = '\0';。这足以摆脱警告。
  2. 尝试打印您刚刚在numgames函数中阅读的scanf()的值。由于某种原因,你似乎得到了一些无效的价值......
  3. 更新:我发现您的问题:您是从GetLetter()致电PlayGuess();你从CompareLetters()打电话给GetLetter();然后从GetLetter()调用CompareLetters(),这样就可以创建无限的递归。从GetLetter()删除来电CompareLetters()

答案 1 :(得分:0)



int compareletter(char guess, char solution);



solution = '\0';

答案 2 :(得分:0)


由于您的代码包含#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS,因此很明显您使用的是cl.exe(来自cmd.exe或来自VS-Code)的Windows。要学习基本编程,请关闭VS-Code,打开VS(或SDK)安装提供的命令行,不要再担心再次使用IDE,直到从命令行掌握编译并理解编译器为止选项。请参阅cl.exe C/C++ Compiler Options,或在命令提示符下键入cl /?


cl.exe /nologo /W3 /Ox /Tc mysource.c



cl /nologo /W3 /Ox /Foobj/mysource /Febin/mysource /Tc mysource.c


在坐在键盘后面开始啄食之前,你必须清除头脑中的代码逻辑。 (见上文(1))。通过为您的代码绘制一个简单的逻辑图并确定您将在main()中处理的值,然后在每个function()中处理的内容,最简单的方法是保持直线。你不需要任何花哨的东西,8.5x11的纸和铅笔都可以。在您清楚地了解代码的每个部分将会做什么之后,然后坐下来开始啄食。


#include <stdio.h>                  
#include <ctype.h>                  

#define MAXGUESSES 5

void Instructions();
int PlayGuess (char solution);
char  GetLetter();
int CompareLetters (char guess, char solution);

int main (void)
    int i = 0,
        numgames = 0;
    char solution;
    FILE *inp = fopen ("letterList.txt", "r");

    if (inp == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed 'letterList.txt'.\n");
        return 1;

    Instructions(); /* give instructions */

    /* get number of games the user wants to play */
    printf("Please enter the number of games you want to play: ");
    if (scanf ("%d", &numgames) != 1) {
        fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input - numgames.\n");
        return 1;
    putchar ('\n');

    for (i = 0; i < numgames; i++)
        /* get letter to guess from file */
        if (fscanf (inp, " %c", &solution) == EOF || solution < ' ' 
                    || '~' < solution) {
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid character - solution.\n");
            return 1;
        printf (" ==>  Game  %d  <==\n\n", i + 1);
        PlayGuess (solution);
        printf("The letter was '%c'!\n\n", solution);
    fclose (inp);

    return 0;       /* main() is type int and returns a value */

void Instructions()
    printf ("Welcome to Letter Guess\n"
            "To begin you will enter the number of games you want "
            "to play (1 – 4 games)\n"
            "You have 5 chances to guess each letter\n"
            "Let's begin\n\n");

int PlayGuess (char solution)
    int numGuesses = 0;
    char guess;

    while (numGuesses < MAXGUESSES)
        guess = GetLetter();
        if (CompareLetters (guess, solution))
            return 1;
        numGuesses = numGuesses + 1;
    printf ("You have run out of guesses\n");

    return 0;

/* get a letter and validate it is good */
char GetLetter()
    char guess = 0, 

    printf ("Enter a guess: ");

    if (scanf (" %c", &tmp) != EOF && ' ' <= tmp && tmp <= '~')
        guess = tmp;

    return guess;

/* compare the guess and the solution
 * return a 1 if they are the same
 * message based on before or after alphabetically
 * return a 0 if the guess and answer are not the same
int CompareLetters(char guess, char solution)
    if (guess == solution)      /* answer is correct */
        printf ("Thats it!\n\n");
        return 1;

    if (guess < solution)
        printf ("The letter you are trying to guess comes after '%c'\n", 
        printf ("The letter you are trying to guess comes before '%c'\n", 

    printf ("Try again\n\n");

    return 0;


>cl /nologo /W3 /Ox /Foobj/guessletter /Febin/guessletter /Tc guessletter.c


> bin\guessletter.exe
Welcome to Letter Guess
To begin you will enter the number of games you want to play (1 – 4 games)
You have 5 chances to guess each letter
Let's begin

Please enter the number of games you want to play: 2

==>  Game  1  <==

Enter a guess: k
The letter you are trying to guess comes before 'k'
Try again

Enter a guess: c
The letter you are trying to guess comes after 'c'
Try again

Enter a guess: d
Thats it!

The letter was 'd'!

==>  Game  2  <==

Enter a guess: e
The letter you are trying to guess comes after 'e'
Try again

Enter a guess: g
The letter you are trying to guess comes before 'g'
Try again

Enter a guess: f
Thats it!

The letter was 'f'!

仔细研究并思考如何用C语言编程。这是一种精确的语言。由您来计算所有输入缓冲区中的所有字符以及内存使用情况。如果你不知道库函数采用什么参数,或者它将返回什么类型和值,或者如何使用它,请查阅它。手册页可在例如msdn fscanf, fwscanfscanf(3): input format conversion




/* get a letter and validate it is good
 * (convert letter to lowercase)
char GetLetter()
    char guess = 0, 

    printf ("Enter a guess: ");

    if (scanf (" %c", &tmp) != EOF && ' ' <= tmp && tmp <= '~')
        guess = tolower (tmp);

    return guess;

注意:对于ASCII字符,第6位是&#39; case bit&#39;,如果是1,则字符为小写,{{1}大写。 0可以简单地写成:
