使用Shapeless + LabelledGenerics将类转换为另一个

时间:2017-10-06 18:49:52

标签: scala shapeless type-level-computation labelled-generic


  import shapeless._, syntax.singleton._, record._

  case class Foo(x: Int, y: String)
  case class RichFoo(x: Int, y: String, z: Double)

  def makeRich(foo: Foo): RichFoo = {
    val x = ('z ->> 0.9)
    val repr = LabelledGeneric[Foo].to(foo) + x

  val a = Foo(1, "hello")
  val b = makeRich(a)


trait Morph[A, B, AR, BR] {
  def apply(a: A)(f: AR => BR): B

object Morph {
  implicit def genericMorph[A, B, AR, BR](implicit genA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR], genB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BR]): Morph[A, B, AR, BR] =
    new Morph[A, B, AR, BR] {
      override def apply(a: A)(f: AR => BR) = genB.from(f(genA.to(a)))

  implicit class Syntax[A](a: A) {
    def morph[AR, BR, B](f: AR => BR)(implicit morph: Morph[A, B, AR, BR]): B =


  val a = Foo(1, "hello")
  a.morph[???, ???, RichFoo](_ + ('z ->> 0.9))



  implicit class Syntax[A](a: A) {
    def morphTo[B] = new {
      def using[AR <: HList, BR <: HList](f: AR => BR)(implicit morph: Morph[A, B, AR, BR]): B =

a.morphTo[RichFoo].using(_ :+ ('z ->> 0.9))


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  1. 在当前scalac指定类型参数中,显式是全部或全部。但是,您只想指定B,其余部分将被推断。 Currying 是此问题的一种解决方案。所以你的尝试是在正确的轨道上,但没有考虑到2.

  2. 方法参数的类型推断一次从左到右流动一个参数列表。但是你想根据f的类型来推断morph的类型,因为它是隐式的。这里的解决方案是...... 再次讨论

  3. 从1和2开始,你必须咖喱两次

    implicit class Syntax[A](a: A) {
      def morphTo[B] = new {
        def by[AR <: HList, BR <: HList](implicit morph: Morph[A, B, AR, BR]) = new {
          def using(f: AR => BR): B = morph(a)(f)
    a.morphTo[RichFoo].by.using(_ :+ ('z ->> 0.9))

    替代解决方案为1. - 使用伪参数指定类型参数B

    trait To[-A]
    object To {
      private val instance = new To[Any] { }
      def apply[A]: To[A] = instance
    implicit class Syntax[A](a: A) {
      def morph[B, AR <: HList, BR <: HList](to: To[B])(
        implicit morph: Morph[A, B, AR, BR]
      ) = new {
        def using(f: AR => BR): B = morph(a)(f)
    a morph To[RichFoo] using (_ :+ ('z ->> 0.9))


    1. 您已经可以部分指定类型参数:a.morph[B = RichFoo]
    2. 目前正在开展更一致的隐式参数语法工作:lampepfl/dotty#1260
    3. 编辑:通常,定义依赖于其他类型的类型作为类型成员是个好主意:

      trait Morph[A, B] {
        type AR
        type BR
        def apply(a: A)(f: AR => BR): B
      object Morph {
        type Aux[A, B, AR0, BR0] = Morph[A, B] {
          type AR = AR0
          type BR = BR0
        implicit def genericMorph[A, B, AR0, BR0](
          implicit genA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR0], genB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BR0]
        ): Aux[A, B, AR0, BR0] = new Morph[A, B] {
          type AR = AR0
          type BR = BR0
          def apply(a: A)(f: AR => BR) = genB.from(f(genA.to(a)))
        implicit class Syntax[A](a: A) {
          def morphTo[B](implicit morph: Morph[A, B]) = new {
            def using(f: morph.AR => morph.BR) = morph(a)(f)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

import shapeless._, syntax.singleton._, record._

case class Foo(x: Int, y: String)
case class RichFoo(x: Int, y: String, z: Double)

class Morph[A, B, AR](a: A, genA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR]) {
  def apply[BR](f: AR => BR)(implicit genB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BR]) = genB.from(f(genA.to(a)))

implicit class Syntax[A, AR](val a: A)(implicit genA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR]) {
  def morph[B]: Morph[A, B, AR] = new Morph(a, genA)

val a = Foo(1, "hello")
a.morph[RichFoo](_ + ('z ->> 0.9)) // => RichFoo(1,hello,0.9)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

根据@ g.krastev的回答,我采用了这种DSL方法:

import shapeless._, syntax.singleton._, record._, ops.hlist._

case class Morph[A, AR](a: A)(implicit reprA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR]) {
  def to[B] = new {
    def apply[BR](f: AR => BR)(implicit reprB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BR]): B =


val a = Foo(1, "hello")
val b = Morph(a).to[RichFoo](_ + ('z ->> 0.9)) // => RichFoo(1,hello,0.9)

我们也可以像这样处理re-orderings of fields

case class Morph[A, AR](a: A)(implicit reprA: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, AR]) {
  def to[B] = new {       
    def apply[BR <: HList, BR2 <: HList](f: AR => BR2)(implicit reprB: LabelledGeneric.Aux[B, BR], align: Align[BR2, BR]): B =