
时间:2017-10-06 14:37:32

标签: r dplyr sparse-matrix tensor r-bigmemory

我想在R中有一个高效的框架,用于对大整数的三向张量进行文件支持存储(15000(时间维度)x 500000(第二维)x 500(样本,3d维度)) ,使用行/时间维度增强矩阵(即使用15000 * 500000 x 500矩阵),我需要功能来有效地检索此矩阵的特定部分以进行内存处理,以及在处理后更新特定部分。对于密集矩阵,我可以使用bigmatrix包,但在我的最终应用中,矩阵是稀疏的(大约99%零),据我所知,bigmatrix目前不支持稀疏矩阵。有没有人知道我可以在R中使用的任何其他选项? (包ffdplyr backed with an on-disk database我理解目前也不支持稀疏矩阵或张量)任何想法?


# example problem size
NRows = 15000 # time dimension
NCols = 500 # 2nd dimension, 1000x larger & sparse in final application 
NSamples = 20 # sample dimension, 500 in reality, testing with 20 here

# just filling with a constant integer here, in reality data is read in from netcdf file
# in final application data will be 1000x larger & sparse, with 99% zeros

getsamplematrix = function(r=NRows,c=NCols) matrix(1L, nrow=r, ncol=c) 
### 1. Using bigmemory as backend

## step 1: store tensor in row/time dimension augmented bigmemory matrix
putdata = function (NRows, NCols, NSamples) {
  data = big.matrix(NRows*NSamples, NCols, type = "integer",
    backingfile = "data.bin", descriptorfile = "data.desc",
    backingpath = getwd() )

  for (i in 1:NSamples) {
    data[(1+(i-1)*NRows):(i*NRows), 1:NCols] = getsamplematrix(r = NRows, c = NCols)
  attr(data, "NRows") = NRows
system.time(data <- putdata(NRows,NCols,NSamples)) # 23.28 s for 20 matrices

## step 2: get subset of time slices from all samples and store this in 3-way tensor/array S (for in-memory processing)
getsubtensor = function(data, timeindices, cols, samples) { 
  S = array(dim=c(length(timeindices),length(cols),length(samples))) # preallocate array
  nrows = attr(data,"NRows")
  for (i in samples) { 
    S[timeindices,cols,i] = data[((1+(i-1)*nrows):(i*nrows))[timeindices],cols]
  return(S) }
# example: get time indices 1:100 from all samples
system.time(S <- getsubtensor(data, 1:100, 1:NCols, 1:NSamples)) # 0.04 s

## step 3: update subtensor S at given positions in original disk-mapped data after some processing
updatesubtensor = function(data, S, timeindices, cols, samples) { 
  nrows = attr(data,"NRows")
  for (i in samples) { 
    data[((1+(i-1)*nrows):(i*nrows))[timeindices],cols] = S[timeindices,cols,i] 
  return(data) }
S2 <- S*2L # example, processing would be done here
system.time(data <- updatesubtensor(data, S2, 1:100, 1:NCols, 1:NSamples)) # 0.17s

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