
时间:2017-10-05 06:36:17

标签: java multithreading concurrency locking semaphore

得到了一个具有不同变体的经典问题的任务。 我们在北方和南方之间有一座桥梁,n个试图从北方穿过的物体,以及许多试图从南方穿过的物体。(每个物体都在自己的线程上运行)。在这种情况下,对象是农民。所有线程同时开始,因此输出应根据谁首先到达信号量而变化。


我已经在我的网桥上使用单个 java.util.concurrent.Semaphore 实现了一个功能完善的“一次一个”,但我正在努力升级它以满足下一个的新标准题。



在N = 3 S = 4


Question 2. N_Farmer1: Waiting for bridge. Going towards South N_Farmer2: Waiting for bridge. Going towards South N_Farmer3: Waiting for bridge. Going towards South S_Farmer1: Waiting for bridge. Going towards North S_Farmer2: Waiting for bridge. Going towards North S_Farmer3: Waiting for bridge. Going towards North S_Farmer4: Waiting for bridge. Going towards North N_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 5. N_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 10. N_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 15. N_Farmer1: Across the Bridge. NEON = 1 N_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 5. N_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 10. N_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 15. N_Farmer2: Across the Bridge. NEON = 2 N_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 5. N_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 10. N_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 15. N_Farmer3: Across the Bridge. NEON = 3 S_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 5. S_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 10. S_Farmer2: Crossing bridge Step 15. S_Farmer2: Across the Bridge. NEON = 4 S_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 5. S_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 10. S_Farmer1: Crossing bridge Step 15. S_Farmer1: Across the Bridge. NEON = 5 S_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 5. S_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 10. S_Farmer3: Crossing bridge Step 15. S_Farmer3: Across the Bridge. NEON = 6 S_Farmer4: Crossing bridge Step 5. S_Farmer4: Crossing bridge Step 10. S_Farmer4: Crossing bridge Step 15. S_Farmer4: Across the Bridge. NEON = 7


public class Bridge {
private int crossed;    //Count the number of crossings
private Semaphore bridgeSem;    //semaphore to only allow 1 crossing at a time

public Bridge() {
    bridgeSem = new Semaphore(1);   //one bridge resource, mutual exclusivity

public int getCrossed() {
    return crossed;

public void cross() { 
    //Semaphore acquire
    try {   
        crossed++;              //increment NEON counter
    catch (InterruptedException e) {} 

public void exit() {
    //Semaphore release



public class Farmer extends Thread{
private String location;    //current location
private String destination; //Opposite location, destination, set in the constructor
private String id;          //name      
private Bridge bridge;      //bridge being used

public Farmer(String id, String location, Bridge bridge) {
    if (location=="North") destination="South"; //Island objects are not necessary for this particular implementation, as our options are merely North or South
    else destination="North";
    this.bridge = bridge;
    System.out.println(id+": Waiting for bridge. Going towards "+destination);  //print initial waiting for bridge


public String getLocation() {
    return location;
public String getID() {
    return id;

//Do not need setters, none of the instance variables need to change

@Override   //initiatied when the thread.start() method is called
public void run() {

        //***initiate critical section requiring semaphore***

        System.out.println(id+": Crossing bridge Step 5.");
        System.out.println(id+": Crossing bridge Step 10.");
        System.out.println(id+": Crossing bridge Step 15.");

        //Sleep for 200 units ,improves readability (else output is too fast) 
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {} //No interrupts implemented, so thread shouldn't be interrupted?

        System.out.println(id+": Across the Bridge.");
        System.out.println("NEON = "+bridge.getCrossed());

        //***end critical section***

        //Sleep for 20 units, prevents hogging of semaphore(starvation)
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
}//end run  

} //结束课


public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Question 2.");
    int N=3,S=4;    //DEBUG, add file reading later
    Bridge bridge = new Bridge();   //create our bridge
    Farmer[] f = new Farmer[N+S];   //array of Farmers
    //create North farmers
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        f[i] = new Farmer("N_Farmer"+(i+1),"North",bridge);
    //create South farmers
    for (int i=N; i<S+N; i++) {
        f[i]= new Farmer("S_Farmer"+(i-N+1),"South",bridge);

    //start all farmers
    for (int i=0;i<S+N;i++) {
        f[i].start();   //start Farmer Threads. Farmers can run start, as Farmer extends thread

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我使用的解决方案: 将交叉相关的东西移动到Bridge文件中 大量的相关逻辑在Farmer.java run()命令中,并且在Bridge.java中有一点同步功能(保留相关的计数器)。 主要文件主要是文件阅读和启动农民。 Farmer Threads基本上检查过那个桥还没有计算2个北方或2个南方农民,如果他们还没有计算当前的那个同步桥功能upThis(Farmer f)。 Bridge记录了北方或南方农民的准备情况。 在Farmer run()中,如果North或South命中2,我们给信号量访问适当的一侧(信号量有2个资源),然后我们等待直到两个都完成(使用同步的bridge.getExited()== 2)然后退出两个他们,并重置所有计数器。现在计数器已经重置,Farmer Thread while循环可以再试一次。




import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;

public class Bridge {
    private int crossed;    //Count the number of crossings
    private static Semaphore bridgeSem; //semaphore to only allow 1 crossing at a time
    private int northWaiting, southWaiting;
    private int exited;
    public Bridge() {
        bridgeSem = new Semaphore(2);   //one bridge resource, mutual exclusivity
        northWaiting = southWaiting = 0;
        exited = 0;


    public int getCrossed() {
        return crossed;
    public synchronized void upCross() {
        System.out.println("NEON = "+getCrossed());
    public synchronized void upThis(Farmer f) {
        if (f.getID().startsWith("N")) northWaiting++;
        else southWaiting++;
        //System.out.println(f.getID()+" is queued to cross");  //DEBUG 
    public synchronized void upExited() {
    public synchronized int getNorth() {
        return northWaiting;
    public synchronized int getSouth() {
        return southWaiting;
    public synchronized int getExited() {
        return exited;
    public synchronized void resetExited() {
    public synchronized void resetNorth() {
    public synchronized void resetSouth() {

    public void cross(Farmer f) { 
        //Semaphore acquire
        try {   
            System.out.println(f.getID()+": Crossing bridge Step 5.");
            System.out.println(f.getID()+": Crossing bridge Step 10.");
            System.out.println(f.getID()+": Crossing bridge Step 15.");

            //Sleep for 200 units ,improves readability (else output is too fast) 
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {} //No interrupts implemented, so thread shouldn't be interrupted?

            System.out.println(f.getID()+": Across the Bridge.");
            upCross();  //increment NEON counter, synchronized to avoid print conflicts
            //Sleep for 200 units ,improves readability (else output is too fast) 
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {} //No interrupts implemented, so thread shouldn't be interrupted?
        catch (InterruptedException e) {} 

    public void exit() {
        //Semaphore release



public class Farmer extends Thread{
    private String location;    //current location
    private String destination; //Opposite location, destination, set in the constructor
    private String id;          //name      
    private Bridge bridge;      //bridge being used
    private boolean finished=false;
    private boolean counted = false;

    public Farmer(String id, String location, Bridge bridge) {
        if (location=="North") destination="South"; //Island objects are not necessary for this particular implementation, as our options are merely North or South
        else destination="North";
        this.bridge = bridge;
        System.out.println(id+": Waiting for bridge. Going towards "+destination);  //print initial waiting for bridge


    public String getLocation() {
        return location;
    public String getID() {
        return id;
    public boolean isCounted() {
        return counted;
    public void setFinished(boolean finished) {
    public void counted() {

    //Overrides the Thread toString() method. Called with Thread.getCurrent().toString()
    public String toString() {
        return id;
    @Override   //initiatied when the Farmer Thread .start() method is called
    public void run() {
        //if ready to cross

        while (!finished) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

            if (bridge.getNorth() != 2 && bridge.getSouth() != 2 && !counted) { //if neither equal 2 yet and we havent added this to the list
                bridge.upThis(this);    //increments the appropriate north/south counter in a thread safe method, also marks this thread as counted=true
            if (counted && bridge.getNorth()==2 && id.startsWith("N")) {    //if this has been counted, and is a northern farmer and there are 2 northern farmers ready
                if (bridge.getExited()==2) {    //if both successfully crossed reset counts
                    //System.out.println("Reset exited and North"); //DEBUG
                    //System.out.println("Exit: "+bridge.getExited()+", North: "+bridge.getNorth()+", South: "+bridge.getSouth()); //DEBUG
            else if (counted && bridge.getSouth()==2 && id.startsWith("S")) { //else if this has been counted, and is a southern farmer and there are 2 southern farmers ready
                if (bridge.getExited()==2) {    //if both successfully crossed reset counts
                    //System.out.println("Reset exited and South"); //DEBUG
                    //System.out.println("Exit: "+bridge.getExited()+", North: "+bridge.getNorth()+", South: "+bridge.getSouth()); //DEBUG

    }//end run  

}//end class


import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;

import packagename.Bridge;
import packagename.Farmer;

public class MainP2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Question 2.");
        //File reading
        boolean success = false;    //looping file input
        int N=0,S=0;
        String[] input;
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter file name eg input.txt: ");
        while (!success) {  //loop until a valid file is given
            try {
                String f = in.nextLine();
                Scanner file = new Scanner(new File(f));    //Throws file not found exception
                try {
                    //split by space
                    input = file.nextLine().split("\\s+");
                    //set number of north and south farmers
                    N = Integer.parseInt(input[0].replaceAll("[^0-9]+",""));    
                    S = Integer.parseInt(input[1].replaceAll("[^0-9]+",""));
                    success = true; //no exception thrown, all went well, break loop
                } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {System.out.println("File was empty or invalid! Please enter a valid file.");}
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("File not found! Please enter a valid file.");}
        //end file reading

        Bridge bridge = new Bridge();   //create our bridge
        Farmer[] f = new Farmer[N+S];   //array of Farmers
        //create North farmers
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
            f[i] = new Farmer("N_Farmer"+(i+1),"North",bridge);
        //create South farmers
        for (int i=N; i<S+N; i++) {
            f[i]= new Farmer("S_Farmer"+(i-N+1),"South",bridge);

        //start all farmers
        for (int i=0;i<S+N;i++) {
            f[i].start();   //start Farmer Threads. Farmers can run start, as Farmer extends thread
