图层应该在第二个和第三个参数定义的位置返回第一个参数的元素。因此,如果输入是(m,i,j),它应该返回m [i,j]。如果pair(i,j)“在元素之间命中”(例如i = 2.5和j = 3.7),它应该返回由(i,j)定义的点周围的元素的线性近似。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
from keras.layers import *
import keras.backend as K
from keras.models import Model
import tensorflow as tf
def getValue(x):
#x is a group with 3 tensors here. m, i and j
m = x[0]
i = x[1]
j = x[2]
#let's take the i and j as integers around the actual point:
#as well as the distances between them and the float indices
lowI, distI = getLowIndexAndDistance(i)
lowJ, distJ = getLowIndexAndDistance(j)
#higher indices
highI = lowI + 1
highJ = lowJ + 1
#in the special case when these high values are exatly equal to the
#unrounded ones, the distance below will be 0 and this index will be discarded
#special case when i or j is exactly the maximum index
mShape = K.shape(m)
highI = highI - K.cast(K.equal(highI,mShape[1]),'int32')
highJ = highJ - K.cast(K.equal(highJ,mShape[2]),'int32')
valILeft = getInterpolated(getValueFromM(m,lowI,lowJ),
valIRight = getInterpolated(getValueFromM(m,lowI,highJ),
return getInterpolated(valILeft,valIRight,distJ)
#function to get the index rounded down
#unfortunately I couldn't find K.floor() or a similar function
def getLowIndexAndDistance(i):
#getting the closest round number
roundI = K.round(i)
#comparisons to check wheter the rounded index is greater than i
isGreater = K.cast(K.greater(roundI,i),K.floatx())
#1 if true, 0 if false
#if greater, let's take one number below:
lowI = roundI - isGreater
#returns the integer lowI and the distance between i and lowI
return K.cast(lowI,'int32'), i - lowI
#function to get interpolated values
def getInterpolated(val1, val2, distanceFromLowI):
valRange = val2 - val1
#span = 1
return val1 + (valRange * distanceFromLowI)
def getEntireIndexMatrix(i,j):
batchIndex = K.ones_like(i)
batchIndex = K.cumsum(batchIndex) - 1 #equivalent to range(batch)
#warning, i and j must be (?,1), if they're reduced, the results will be weird.
return K.stack([batchIndex,i,j],axis=-1)
#this is a matrix of indices from which to get values in m
#the first element in the last axis is the batch index
#the second element is I
#the third is J
def getValueFromM(m, i, j):
indexMatrix = getEntireIndexMatrix(i,j)
#tensorflow is an easy solution kere. Keras doesn't have this available,
#but there may be a workaround using K.gather 3 times, one for each dimension
return tf.gather_nd(m, indexMatrix)
m = Input((5,5))
i = Input((1,))
j = Input((1,))
out = Lambda(getValue, output_shape=(1,))([m,i,j])
model = Model([m,i,j],out)
mVals = np.asarray(range(75)).reshape((3,5,5))
#iVals = np.asarray([[4],[2.3],[4]]) #for special cases
#jVals = np.asarray([[4],[4],[1.7]]) #for special cases
iVals = np.random.uniform(0,4,(3,1)) #for all cases
jVals = np.random.uniform(0,4,(3,1)) #for all cases