我需要使用while循环来显示获取数字的平方根所需的步数,并显示“获取(用户输入值)的平方根需要(但需要很多步骤) (SQRT)“
Enter a number: 72
Enter a starting guess: 36
The square root of 72.000000 is 8.485281
step 1: 19.000000
step 2: 11.394737
step 3: 8.856722
step 4: 8.493070
step 5: 8.485285
step 6: 8.485281
Using the Babylonian method, the square root of 72
with a starting guess of 36 was found in 6 steps.
guessk+1 = ½(guessk + (N/guessk))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
double N;
double guess;
int stp;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%lf", &N);
printf("\nEnter a starting guess: ");
scanf("%lf", &guess);
printf("The square root of %lf is %lf\n\n", N, sqrt(N));
return (0);