我在Qt应用程序中有一些简单的代码,它从纬度/经度坐标转换为web mercator x / y位置:
// Radius of the Earth in metres
const double EARTH_RADIUS = 20037508.34;
// Convert from a LL to a QPointF
QPointF GeoPoint::toMercator() {
double x = this->longitude() * EARTH_RADIUS / 180.0;
double y = log(tan((90.0 + this->latitude()) * PI / 360.0)) / (PI / 180.0);
y = y * EARTH_RADIUS / 180.0;
return QPointF(x, y);
// Convert from a QPointF to a LL
GeoPoint GeoPoint::fromMercator(const QPointF &pt) {
double lon = (pt.x() / EARTH_RADIUS) * 180.0;
double lat = (pt.y() / EARTH_RADIUS) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2 * atan(exp(lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return GeoPoint(lat, lon);
GeoPoint pt1(54.253230, -3.006460);
QPointF m1 = pt1.toMercator();
qDebug() << m1;
// QPointF(-334678,7.21826e+06)
// Now I want to add a distance onto the mercator coordinates, i.e. 50 metres
m1.rx() += 50.0;
qDebug() << m1;
// QPointF(-334628,7.21826e+06)
// Take this back to a LL
GeoPoint pt1a = GeoPoint::fromMercator(m1);
qDebug() << pt1a.toString();
// "54.25323°, -3.00601°"