(不使用投影库) 我知道我的地图的中心点,(-37.500,175.500).zoom(13)大小。 400x400px,这是一个墨卡托投影(标准谷歌地图)。 它用作画布400x400px上的背景图像。 我如何计算出这张地图的边界。
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缩放= 13 //谷歌地图缩放级别(1-18etc)
screenwidth = 400(像素)//地图的宽度
Latctr = -37.450 //地图中间的纬度
Longctr = 170.250 //地图中间的经度
1 / Lengthlat = 111111 // 1度纬度的米长度
2 / Lengthlong = cos长度* 111111 //经度1度的长度
3 / Ratiolengths == lengthlat / lengthlong
4 / LongitudeValueAdjust =((lengthlat /(2 ^ zoom)/(screenwidth * 2)* RatioLengths
5 / LatitudeValueAdjust =(lengthlat /(2 ^ zoom)/(screenwidth * 2)
6 / Northwestlat = latctr + latitudeValueAdjust
7 / Northwestlong = longctr -longValueAdjust
8 / Southeastlat = latctr - LatValueAdjust
9 / Southeastlong = longctr + longValueAdjust
Plotting lat lng to canvas/screen x,y
//This is not a mercator projection, works fine for zooms > 9
Assumes 0,0 is the top left hand corner of the canvas
lattodraw // Latitude value of the coordinate we wish to convert
longtodraw // Longitude value of the coordinate we wish to convert
1/Latplot = canavsheight /(southeastlat-northwestlat) * lattodraw-northwestlat
2/Longplot = canvaswidth /(southeastlong-northwestlong) * longtodraw-northwestlong
3/Draw pixel at latplot,longplot