这是我想通过我的第一行选择做的抽象概念,我在这里展示,但我无法做到这一点。这里类别[0],类别[2] ..等代表类别列值...我知道这种语法不起作用,但我想做这样的事情。
SELECT category[0], category[1], category[2], category[3], category[4], category[5]
select Row_number() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS 'Serial Number',
EP.FirstName,Ep.LastName, Ep.SignUpID, [dbo].[GetBookingRoleName](ES.UserId,EP.BookingRole) as RoleName,
(select top 1 convert(varchar(10),eventDate,103)from [3rdi_EventDates] where EventId=@ItemId) as EventDate,
(CASE [dbo].[GetBookingRoleName](ES.UserId,EP.BookingRole)
WHEN 'Employee - Marketing' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Employee - Accounting' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Coaches' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Student Client' THEN 'ST'
WHEN 'Guest Doctor' THEN 'GDC'
---....more categories here, i just removed a few
END) as Category
from [3rdi_EventParticipants] as EP
inner join [3rdi_EventSignup] as ES on EP.SignUpId = ES.SignUpId
WHERE EP.EventId = @ItemId AND EP.PlaceStatus IN (0,3,4,8)
and userid in(
select distinct userid from userroles
where roleid not in(19,20,21,22) and roleid not in(1,2, 25, 44))) Up
PIVOT(sum(First_Name+Last_Name)) FOR Category (category[0], category[1], category[2], category[3], category[4], category[5])
Group by (SignUpID)
S.NO First_name last_name SignUpID Rol_Name EventDate category
1 User1Name User1Name 12 90 Day Client 11/01/2011 DC
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 12 90 Day Client 11/01/2011 DC
3 User4Name User4Name 13 Student Client 11/01/2011 ST
4 User4NameAtt1 User4NameAtt1 13 Student Client 11/01/2011 ST
5 user1 user1 14 90 Day Client 11/01/2011 DC
6 att1 att1 14 Employee-Acco 11/01/2011 AD
7 User4NameAtt2 User4NameAtt2 15 Student Client 11/01/2011 ST
8 easdsd ertrt 15 90 Day Client 11/01/2011 DC
9 User4NameAtt3 User4NameAtt3 15 Employee-Acco 11/01/2011 AD
我希望每个类别列值都应该成为列名,并且该列下面应该是名字和姓氏的串联,但是对于那些只有具有公共signUpID的行,所有first_name + last_name的表应该出现,如下所示。