BadFilterError:无效过滤器:每个查询只有一个属性可能有不等过滤器(<,> =,>,< =)

时间:2017-09-19 15:27:42

标签: python google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore google-cloud-platform

我正在尝试使用数据存储区API在Python中编写查询,最后获取不超过5个GPA大于等于3.2且出生年份低于1998年的学生姓名。 但是,它会返回错误:BadFilterError: invalid filter: Only one property per query may have inequality filters (<, >=, >, <=).. 但是,我正在使用文档中提到的方法:


from google.appengine.ext import db
import datetime
import webapp2

class Student(db.Model):
    first_name = db.StringProperty()
    last_name = db.StringProperty()
    gpa = db.FloatProperty()
    birth_year = db.IntegerProperty()

class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        student1 = Student(first_name = 'Alex' ,  last_name = 'Karev', gpa = 3.5 ,  birth_year = 1996 )
        student2 = Student(first_name = 'Susannah', last_name = 'Walpole',gpa = 3.45, birth_year = 1997 )

        self.response.write('<p>Student1 entity, key = %s</p>'
                             % student1.key())
        self.response.write('<p>Student2 entity, key = %s</p>'
                             % student2.key())

        q = db.Query(Student)

        q = Student.all()

        q.filter('gpa >', 3.2)
        q.filter('birth_year <', 1998)

        results = q.fetch(5)
        self.response.write('<p>Executing the query with fetch()...</p>')
        for e in results:
            self.response.write('<p>Found result: Last Name=%s'
                                % (e.last_name))

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainPage)], debug=True)

而且,当我使用GQL而不是数据存储API时,我收到了同样的错误。 代码:

q = Student.gql('WHERE gpa > 3.2 ' +'AND birth_year < 1998 ' +'ORDER BY gpa ASC, birth_year DESC')

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


calitem = self.appointments.filter("begin >= ", start).filter("begin <= ", end).fetch(limit=10)

答案 1 :(得分:0)

q.filter('gpa >', 3.2)
q.filter('birth_year <', 1998)

这不是有效的数据存储区查询,因为它有多个不等式过滤器,并返回错误:BadFilterError: invalid filter: Only one property per query may have inequality filters (<, >=, >, <=).. 查询的结果必须全部出现在索引中的连续行中,并且没有可能的索引可以完全使用连续行来满足此查询。 所以,我只使用q.filter('gpa >', 3.2)并删除q.filter('birth_year <', 1998)来解决了这个问题,并使用if语句来过滤打印输出的for look中的birth_year:

self.response.write('<p>Executing the query with fetch()...</p>')
    count = 0
    for e in q:
        if e.birth_year < 1998:
            self.response.write('<p>Found result: Last Name=%s'
                            % (e.last_name))
            count += 1
        if count > 4: