Not to be confused with this post.
And very similar to this post.
在这个可重复的示例中,我加载sp :: meuse数据并绘制一条线。如何添加一列等于每个点法线(直角)到线的距离?
# load data
# create new line
newline = data.frame(y = seq(from = 330000, to = 334000, length.out = 100), x = seq(from = 178000, to = 181000, length.out = 100))
# plot the data
meuse %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_point() +
ggtitle("Zinc Concentration (ppm)") + coord_equal() +
geom_line(data = newline, aes(x,y))
答案 0 :(得分:3)
# create new line - please note the small changes relative to your code :
# x = first column and cbind to have a matrix instead of a data.frame
newline = cbind(x = seq(from = 178000, to = 181000, length.out = 100),
y = seq(from = 330000, to = 334000, length.out = 100))
# transform the points and lines into spatial objects
meuse <- st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"))
newline <- st_linestring(newline)
# Compute the distance - works also for non straight lines !
st_distance(meuse, newline) [1:10]
## [1] 291.0 285.2 409.8 548.0 647.6 756.0 510.0 403.8 509.4 684.8
# Ploting to check that your line is were you expect it
plot(meuse, add = TRUE)
plot(newline, add = TRUE)
newline = cbind(x = c(178000, 181000),
y = c(330000, 334000))
# transform the points and lines into spatial objects
meuse <- st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 31370)
newline <- st_linestring(newline)
# Compute the distance - works also for non straight lines !
st_distance(meuse, newline) [1:10]
## [1] 291.0 285.2 409.8 548.0 647.6 756.0 510.0 403.8 509.4 684.8
# Ploting to check that your line is were you expect it
plot(meuse, add = TRUE)
plot(newline, add = TRUE)
如果线的斜率为1,您可以计算点上的点的投影 使用Pytagoras的行(x = x中的差异=行/ sqrt(2)的距离)。
此处不起作用(红色线段不垂直于线条) 因为斜率不是1,因此y坐标的差异 不等于x坐标的差异。 Pytagoras方程在这里是不可解的。 (但由st_distance 计算的距离垂直于该线。)
distances <- st_distance(meuse, newline)
newline = data.frame(x = c(178000, 181000),
y = c(330000, 334000))
segments <-
segments <- data.frame(
X2 = segments$X - distances/sqrt(2),
Y2 = segments$Y + distances/sqrt(2)
ggplot() +
geom_point(data = segments, aes(X,Y)) +
geom_line(data = newline, aes(x,y)) +
geom_segment(data = segments, aes(x = X, y = Y, xend = X2, yend = Y2),
color = "orangered", alpha = 0.5) +
coord_equal() + xlim(c(177000, 182000))
(暂时的)获得线上点的投影坐标。您需要采用s sp
newline = cbind(x = c(178000, 181000),
y = c(330000, 334000))
spline <- as(st_as_sfc(st_as_text(st_linestring(newline))), "Spatial") # there is probably a more straighforward solution...
position <- gProject(spline, as(meuse, "Spatial"))
position <- coordinates(gInterpolate(spline, position))
colnames(position) <- c("X2", "Y2")
segments <- data.frame(st_coordinates(meuse), position)
ggplot() +
geom_point(data = segments, aes(X,Y)) +
geom_line(data =, aes(x,y)) +
geom_segment(data = segments, aes(x = X, y = Y, xend = X2, yend = Y2),
color = "orangered", alpha = 0.5) +
coord_equal() + xlim(c(177000, 182000))
答案 1 :(得分:0)
# data for the function
line <- data.frame(x = seq(from = 178000, to = 181000, length.out = nrow(meuse)),
y = seq(from = 330000, to = 334000, length.out = nrow(meuse)))
pts <- meuse[,1:2] # the pts must **only** be a set of x,y coords.
# takes a line defined by a set of points along a line, and a set of points, and
# returns the minimum (orthogonal) Euclidian distance between all pts and
# the line.
euclid_min_d <- function(line, pts){
d <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nrow(pts))
for(i in 1:nrow(pts)){
d[i] = min(( abs(abs(pts$x[i]) - abs(line$x)) + abs(abs(pts$y[i]) - abs(line$y)) )^(.5))
# run the function
> euclid_min_d(line, pts)
[1] 19.100214 18.884131 22.751052 26.279714 28.542290 30.792561 25.281532 22.542312 25.311822 29.261029
[11] 29.244158 27.581520 19.304464 23.133997 25.341819 19.891916 20.933723 21.650710 22.187513 23.017780
[21] 24.815684 25.861519 26.623883 31.012356 32.121523 32.921197 30.427047 31.005236 29.177246 33.856458
[31] 34.725454 31.817866 31.557616 34.042563 34.963060 31.055041 28.352833 25.067182 23.438231 23.029907
[41] 27.357185 30.330645 28.661028 29.866152 25.177809 26.005244 27.847684 29.808262 31.489227 31.789895
[51] 31.186702 21.838248 19.593930 16.820674 12.939921 8.453079 16.431282 17.929516 21.105486 8.029976
[61] 8.775704 13.154921 16.281613 17.222758 17.667933 17.583567 25.114026 31.508193 35.387833 20.621827
[71] 21.949470 20.537264 21.489955 23.383866 23.437953 24.926646 26.035939 17.687034 18.105391 17.051869
[81] 18.006853 43.461582 18.294844 26.630712 22.386800 22.206820 19.229644 19.982785 22.110408 23.343288
[91] 27.182643 17.403911 16.936858 36.972085 34.168034 31.318639 29.846360 26.406414 25.530730 30.197618
[101] 35.733501 37.126320 37.440689 34.361334 33.550698 36.716888 38.238826 39.461143 38.888285 34.671183
[111] 32.966138 28.270263 28.243376 25.291033 19.522880 18.844201 18.683280 45.283953 28.036386 27.277554
[121] 18.934611 13.435271 15.683145 23.364975 23.064562 31.654589 33.422133 32.795906 22.917696 23.211618
[131] 36.513118 27.062218 27.744895 34.663690 30.394377 29.861151 34.564827 26.293548 24.816469 27.611404
[141] 34.684103 37.463055 40.124805 40.472213 38.301436 39.127995 35.930488 31.048349 35.284558 31.208557
[151] 32.370020 29.511389 25.336181 34.386081 49.889358
:在球体曲面上的半影(大圆)距离。对于空间长/纬度数据更为正确,尤其是大区域上的点。# Haversine (Great Circle distance) for spatial points
# bring in data
# define a line by a sequence of points between two points at the ends of a line.
# length can be any number. as length approaches infinity, the distance between
# points and the line appraoches a normal (orthogonal) orientation
line <- data.frame(x = seq(from = 178000, to = 181000, length.out = nrow(meuse)),
y = seq(from = 330000, to = 334000, length.out = nrow(meuse)))
# columns 1 and 2 are long/lat, column 3 is extra data to make the SPDF
pts <- meuse[,1:3]
# sp::spDists only takes spatial objects, so make line and pts 'spatial objects'
coordinates(line) <- c("x","y")
coordinates(pts) <- c("x","y")
class(line) # spdf
class(pts) # spdf
# takes a line defined by a set of points along a line, and a set of points, and
# returns the minimum (orthogonal) Great circle distance between all pts and
# the line.
gc_min_d <- function(line, pts){
d <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nrow(pts))
for(i in 1:nrow(pts@coords)){
d[i] = min(spDistsN1(line, pts@coords[i,]))
# run the function
> gc_min_d(line, pts)
[1] 291.11720 285.53973 409.96584 548.04129 647.62204 756.00049 510.23214 403.85051 509.42670
[10] 684.83496 683.85902 607.07043 296.06328 424.00002 512.42695 316.53043 348.31645 372.00033
[19] 391.95541 419.80867 489.01900 533.00685 564.94128 767.47913 823.85186 866.80035 740.20012
[28] 766.21521 681.05998 914.12500 964.42709 809.15362 793.28237 923.85091 974.03591 770.16568
[37] 638.61108 501.28887 435.72032 420.80271 597.42032 733.09464 655.81036 709.53065 504.62940
[46] 539.63972 618.02925 709.00052 791.80007 804.61682 776.86267 379.10017 304.56883 225.40137
[55] 131.15538 54.74886 212.76568 253.89445 352.36923 49.33170 59.28282 134.22712 211.55102
[64] 234.80732 247.80522 245.84412 501.01377 793.84395 1001.00078 339.25067 382.25984 333.60141
[73] 369.72499 433.24388 438.60154 494.40929 540.41364 248.70466 262.20469 230.42463 258.05366
[82] 1509.07023 264.01918 566.03235 396.98188 393.42160 294.08301 317.21856 390.41809 433.23431
[91] 586.86838 240.47441 226.83961 1090.66783 933.51589 783.80282 710.00866 556.40688 518.09206
[100] 726.00636 1019.61784 1101.62687 1120.26196 942.68793 897.40984 1077.08258 1167.68956 1243.01891
[109] 1209.40946 957.62977 866.73835 635.60151 637.89236 509.05787 303.69985 280.34209 277.20013
[118] 1637.20259 627.43972 591.21355 286.64675 141.47774 194.00723 434.05177 425.10718 801.54641
[127] 889.25788 857.64172 420.13830 430.81025 1064.83266 584.79094 614.02411 957.26008 738.60392
[136] 712.45532 951.40992 549.20351 490.60506 608.26798 961.20035 1121.64783 1276.01133 1271.80112
[145] 1147.71273 1167.60070 979.46392 735.61392 974.03783 774.80205 838.08370 692.84592 513.42862
[154] 944.32835 1987.61385