使用excel vba将行的子集放入变量中

时间:2017-09-07 13:09:45

标签: excel-vba vba excel



  1. 将原始标题行范围读入字符串变量数组
  2. 操作数组,即删除/删除并添加一些数组 条目
  3. 将转换后的数组写入目标位置/工作簿
  4. 由于我无法找到一种可以容忍的方法来消除和添加数组中的条目,我可能会更好:

    1. 仅将原始标题的所需部分读入数组 变量
    2. 重命名所需的条目并在数组中
    3. 将转换后的数组写入目标工作簿
    4. 我对VBA几乎没有任何经验,但这样一个简单的操作似乎是一场噩梦。


      ' Initialization
      Dim wbkOld As Workbook
      Dim wbkNew As Workbook
      Set wbkOld = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="filepath", ReadOnly:=True)
      Set wbkNew = Workbooks.Add
      wbkNew.SaveAs Filename:="filename"
      ' STEP 1: Only read wanted sections of the original header
      ' I know the size of the target headers row beforehand
      Dim strHeadersArr(1 To 6) As String
      ' Now the problem:
      ' The following statement would work if I wanted to load the entire headers row...
      strHeadersArr = wbkOld.Sheets(1).UsedRange.Rows(1).Value 
      '... but I want to load only a subsection
      ' (e.g. the first 4 headers/cells and then the last 2 headers/cells, dropping the 5 headers/cells in between)
      _unknown code here_
      ' STEP 2: Rename the needed entries
      strHeaderArr(2) = "newColumnName"
      ' STEP 3: Write down
      wkbNew.Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value = strHeaderArr


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