
时间:2017-09-07 09:20:44

标签: vhdl fpga

我正在尝试在函数中实现解码代码以返回多个变量,因为我必须解码两个固定点变量,并且我在fpga中得到错误,因为逻辑不足。所以我需要像在c语言中那样执行解码代码 - >使用两个变量调用该函数两次,并以单个数字返回。这可能会执行吗?如果有可能怎么办?或者还有其他方法吗?

我正在为两个固定点数执行以下两次代码 并且对小数部分进行解码。解码对整数部分和小数部分工作正常。 解码后我将它们转换为std_logic_vector并发送到我的lcd。这就是我解码价值的原因。代码大约1000行。 所以我不能把它放在这里。


VDHL sfixed decoding code does not work properly


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在引用的问题中VDHL sfixed decoding code does not work properly Renaud Pacalet在他的回答Your divisions should be integer divisions; they are not (fixed point divisions).中评论说,没有特别的理由在实际的转换过程中使用签名的修正点数,也没有整数。

有一种算法(Double dabble)使用移位和4位条件添加,可以在循环语句中实现。这里的一个是20位整数部分算法的扩展。










这些位是串行移位的,双倍的dabble是乘法器,分数dabble是一个分频器。双重dabble具有20位×7个BCD位(28位)或140个逻辑单元的最大add3逻辑单元数。它根据不能达到阈值(> 4)或保证全部' 0'或者保证全部' 0'投入。最终为57个逻辑单元(每4个4x1 LUT)。

分数dabble使用更多单元格,因为从左侧移位会立即抛出sub3操作的阈值。从18位x 6 BCD数字或108个sub3单元合成映射后的减少 只损失6,产生102个逻辑单元。 add3和sub3之间的差异是模4加法与减法,并且阈值(> 4)对比(> 7)。




以下代码将两个dabbles实现为不同的函数,这些函数可以针对更大或更小的固定值和BCD数字进行缩放,并且可能在Brian Drummond所指出的多路复用器之前,尽管根据它们的大小似乎不太可能&#39保证。 (多路复用器有多大?)。



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.fixed_pkg.all;                    -- included in -2008

entity iopertyki is
end entity;

architecture fum of iopertyki is
    function doubledabble_20bit (inp:  std_logic_vector(19 downto 0)) 
            return unsigned is
        variable bin:   std_logic_vector(inp'range);
        variable bcd:   unsigned(27 downto 0);
        bin := inp;
        bcd := (others => '0');
        for i in 0 to 19 loop
            if bcd(3 downto 0) > 4 then
                bcd(3 downto 0) := bcd(3 downto 0) + 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(7 downto 4) > 4 then
                bcd(7 downto 4) := bcd(7 downto 4) + 3;
                end if;
            if bcd(11 downto 8) > 4 then
                bcd(11 downto 8) := bcd(11 downto 8) + 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(15 downto 12) > 4 then
                bcd(15 downto 12) := bcd(15 downto 12) + 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(19 downto 16) > 4 then
                bcd(19 downto 16) := bcd(19 downto 16) + 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(23 downto 20) > 4 then
                bcd(23 downto 20) := bcd(23 downto 20) + 3;
            end if;
            bcd := bcd(26 downto 0) & bin(19);
            bin := bin(18 downto 0) & '0';
        end loop;
        return bcd;
    end function;

    function fracdabble_19bit (inp:  std_logic_vector(18 downto 0)) 
            return unsigned is
        variable bin:   std_logic_vector(inp'range);
        variable bcd:   unsigned(23 downto 0);
        -- variable tbcd:  unsigned(23 downto 0); -- DEBUG
        bin := inp;
        bcd := (others => '0');                -- DEBUG
        for i in 0 to 18 loop

            bcd := bin(0) & bcd(23 downto 1);
            bin := '0' & bin(18 downto 1);
            -- tbcd := bcd;                       -- DEBUG

            if bcd(3 downto 0) > 7 then
                bcd(3 downto 0) := bcd(3 downto 0) - 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(7 downto 4) > 7 then
                bcd(7 downto 4) := bcd(7 downto 4) - 3;
                end if;
            if bcd(11 downto 8) > 7 then
                bcd(11 downto 8) := bcd(11 downto 8) - 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(15 downto 12) > 7 then
                bcd(15 downto 12) := bcd(15 downto 12) - 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(19 downto 16) > 7 then
                bcd(19 downto 16) := bcd(19 downto 16) - 3;
            end if;
            if bcd(23 downto 20) > 7 then
                bcd(23 downto 20) := bcd(23 downto 20) - 3;
            end if;
            -- report "i = " & integer'image(i) & LF & HT &  -- DEBUG
            --     "prior sub3 bcd = " & to_string (tbcd) & LF & HT & -- DEBUG
            --     "after sub3 bcd = " & to_string (bcd); -- DEBUG
        end loop;
        bcd(0) := inp(0);  -- An odd binary produces an odd decimal value
        return bcd;        -- the algorithm loses the LSB
    end function;

    signal cp: sfixed(20 downto -19) := to_sfixed(174334.738295,20,-19);
    process (cp)
        variable int_digits:    unsigned(27 downto 0);
        variable frac_digits:   unsigned(23 downto 0);

        alias L6:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(27 downto 24);
        alias L5:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(23 downto 20);
        alias L4:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(19 downto 16);
        alias L3:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(15 downto 12);
        alias L2:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(11 downto 8);
        alias L1:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(7 downto 4);
        alias L0:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is int_digits(3 downto 0);
        alias R5:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(23 downto 20);
        alias R4:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(19 downto 16);
        alias R3:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(15 downto 12);
        alias R2:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(11 downto 8);
        alias R1:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(7 downto 4);
        alias R0:   unsigned(3 downto 0) is frac_digits(3 downto 0);
        variable scp:           sfixed(20 downto -19);
        variable sign:          character;
        if cp < 0.0 then
            scp := "-"(0.0, cp)(20 downto -19);  -- change sign, slice length
            sign := '-';
            scp := cp;
            sign := ' ';  -- no sign instead of '+'
        end if;
        report LF & HT & "             cp = " & to_string(cp) &
               LF & HT & "absolute val cp = " & to_string(scp);
        report LF & HT & "slv int = " & to_string(to_slv(scp)(38 downto 19))
               & " slv frac = " & to_string(to_slv(scp)(18 downto 0));
        -- leave off sign bit:
        int_digits := doubledabble_20bit(to_slv(scp)(38 downto 19));
        report "int_digits = " & to_string (int_digits);
        -- 55 logic cells following mspping and reduction:
        frac_digits := fracdabble_19bit(to_slv(scp)(18 downto 0)); 
        report "frac_digits = " & to_string (frac_digits);
        -- R6 = "0000"

        report "result   = " & sign &
                integer'image(to_integer(L6)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L5)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L4)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L3)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L2)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L1)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(L0)) &
                '.' &
                integer'image(to_integer(R5)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(R4)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(R3)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(R2)) &
                integer'image(to_integer(R1)) &
    end process;

        wait for 20 ns;
        cp <= "-"(cp)(20 downto -19);  -- change sign, slice length
        wait for 20 ns;
        cp <= to_sfixed(-307.83929,20,-19);
    end process;
end architecture;


ghdl -a --std=08 iopertyki.vhdl
ghdl -e --std=08 iopertyki
ghdl -r --std=08 iopertyki
iopertyki.vhdl:112:9:@0ms:(report note):
               cp = 000101010100011111110.1011110100000000111
  absolute val cp = 000101010100011111110.1011110100000000111
iopertyki.vhdl:114:9:@0ms:(report note):
  slv int = 00101010100011111110 slv frac = 1011110100000000111
iopertyki.vhdl:118:9:@0ms:(report note): int_digits = 0000000101110100001100110100
iopertyki.vhdl:121:9:@0ms:(report note): frac_digits = 011100111000001010010101
iopertyki.vhdl:124:9:@0ms:(report note): result   =  0174334.738295
iopertyki.vhdl:112:9:@20ns:(report note):
               cp = 111010101011100000001.0100001011111111001
  absolute val cp = 000101010100011111110.1011110100000000111
iopertyki.vhdl:114:9:@20ns:(report note):
  slv int = 00101010100011111110 slv frac = 1011110100000000111
iopertyki.vhdl:118:9:@20ns:(report note): int_digits = 0000000101110100001100110100
iopertyki.vhdl:121:9:@20ns:(report note): frac_digits = 011100111000001010010101
iopertyki.vhdl:124:9:@20ns:(report note): result   = -0174334.738295
iopertyki.vhdl:112:9:@40ns:(report note):
               cp = 111111111111011001100.0010100100100100010
  absolute val cp = 000000000000100110011.1101011011011011110
iopertyki.vhdl:114:9:@40ns:(report note):
  slv int = 00000000000100110011 slv frac = 1101011011011011110
iopertyki.vhdl:118:9:@40ns:(report note): int_digits = 0000000000000000001100000111
iopertyki.vhdl:121:9:@40ns:(report note): frac_digits = 100000111001001010010000
iopertyki.vhdl:124:9:@40ns:(report note): result   = -0000307.839290


