
时间:2017-09-03 15:46:53

标签: pymc3

我几天前看到其他人的帖子:pymc3 likelihood math with non-theano function。即使我认为问题的核心是相同的,我想我会问一个更简单的例子:




我尝试这样做的问题实际上是logp_函数被正确装饰,但是logp_wrap函数只是为它的输入正确装饰,而不是它的输出,所以我得到了错误 TypeError: 'TensorVariable' object is not callable

如果有人有解决方案会很棒 - 不要以为我是唯一有这个问题的人。

在没有@as_op代码的情况下工作(并在函数定义中使用相同的函数)的theano版本在这里:https://pymc-devs.github.io/pymc3/notebooks/lda-advi-aevb.html?highlight=densitydist(特别是部分:“LDA文档的对数可能性”和“ LDA模型部分“)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pymc3 as pm
from theano import as_op
import theano.tensor as T
from scipy.stats import norm

#Some data that we observed
g_observed = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

#Define a function to calculate the logp without using theano
#This as_op is where the problem is - the input is an rv but the output is a
def logp_wrap(rv):
    #We are not using theano so we wrap the function.
    def logp_(ob):
        #Some made up likelihood -
        #The key here is that lp depends on the rv input and the observations        
        lp = np.log(norm.pdf(rv + ob))
        return lp
    return logp_

hb1_model = pm.Model()
with hb1_model:
    I_mean = pm.Normal('I_mean', mu=0.1, sd=0.05)
    xs = pm.DensityDist('x', logp_wrap(I_mean),observed = g_observed)

with hb1_model:
    step = pm.Metropolis()
    trace = pm.sample(1000, step)

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