
时间:2017-09-02 19:39:56

标签: c# optimization compiler-optimization jit

我通常用具有零成本抽象概念的语言编程,如C ++和Rust。




public (int, int, float) Function();


public struct Abstraction { int value1; int value2; float value3; };

public Abstraction Function();

我的期望是编译器会优化TupleAbstraction struct并简单地直接使用原始值。但我发现使用out参数编写代码可以提高性能:

public void Function(out int value1, out int value2, out float value3);

我猜测原因是因为在out函数中,没有TupleAbstraction struct创建。

out函数版本的问题在于我真的不想使用参数作为返回值,因为它似乎更像是语言限制的 hack


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

首先,我认为说语言“具有零成本的抽象”是没有道理的。考虑功能的抽象。是零成本吗?一般来说,只有内联它才是零成本。尽管C ++编译器在内联函数方面确实非常擅长,但它们并未内联所有函数,因此C ++中的函数严格来说并不是零成本的抽象。但是这种差异在实践中几乎没有多大关系,这就是为什么您通常可以将函数视为零成本的原因。

现在,现代C ++和Rust的设计和实现方式使它们尽可能使抽象成本为零。这在C#中有所不同吗?的种类。 C#在设计时并未特别关注零成本抽象(例如,在C#中调用lambda始终涉及有效的虚拟调用;在C ++中调用lambda则不涉及,这使其更容易实现零成本)。而且,JIT编译器通常不能花很多时间在诸如内联的优化上,因此它们生成的抽象代码比C ++编译器差。 (尽管自.Net Core 2.1 introduced a tiered JIT起,这种情况将来可能会改变,这意味着它有更多的时间进行优化。)


在我的微基准测试中,使用struct确实确实具有较差的性能,但这是因为JIT决定不内联该版本的Function,这并不是因为创建{{1 }}或类似的东西。如果我使用struct修复了该问题,那么两个版本的性能都相同。

因此,返回[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] 在C#中可能是零成本的抽象。尽管确实如此,与C ++相比,C#发生这种情况的可能性较小。

如果您想了解在struct参数之间切换并返回out的实际影响,建议您编写一个更现实的基准测试,而不是微基准测试,然后看看结果是什么。 (假设我没错,您使用了微基准测试。)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

当您返回某些内容时,您始终会创建一个新对象 - 当您使用2017-09-02 14:46:39.708 whatever[67890:8535793] number of rows in section: 0 2017-09-02 14:46:39.714 whatever[67890:8535793] number of rows in section: 0 2017-09-02 14:46:39.715 whatever[67890:8535793] number of rows in section: 0 2017-09-02 14:46:40.448 whatever[67890:8535846] I return 0: 0 2017-09-02 14:46:41.174 whatever[67890:8535846] I return results: 20 参数“就地”工作时,您可以完全保存该步骤。

然后,你有一些你的编译器无法简单优化的东西 - 我必须告诉你一些关于C中的严格别名规则,但我不知道C#是否足以知道类似的事情是否适用于此。


答案 2 :(得分:1)



using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class App
    interface IMessages {
        string Welcome{ get; }
        string Goodbye { get; }

    partial struct EnglishMessages : IMessages {        
        public string Welcome {
            get { return "Welcome"; }

        public string Goodbye {
            get { return "Goodbye"; }

    partial struct SpanishMessages : IMessages {        
        public string Welcome {
            get { return "Bienvenido"; }

        public string Goodbye {
            get { return "Adios"; }

    static partial class Messages
        public static SpanishMessages BuildLang {
            get { return default; }

    public static void Main() {

    static partial class Messages
        public static string Welcome {
            get { return GetWelcomeFrom(BuildLang); }

        public static string Goodbye {
            get { return GetGoodbyeFrom(BuildLang); }

        public static string GetWelcomeFrom<T>()
            where T : struct, IMessages
           var v = default(T);
           return v.Welcome;

        public static string GetWelcomeFrom<T>(T _)
            where T : struct, IMessages
            return GetWelcomeFrom<T>();

        public static string GetGoodbyeFrom<T>()
            where T : struct, IMessages
           var v = default(T);
           return v.Goodbye;

        public static string GetGoodbyeFrom<T>(T _)
            where T : struct, IMessages
            return GetGoodbyeFrom<T>();


    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 0)]
    partial struct EnglishMessages { [FieldOffset(0)] int _;  }

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 0)]
    partial struct SpanishMessages { [FieldOffset(0)] int _;  }


using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class App
    interface IMessage {
        string Value { get; }
        bool IsError { get; }

    static class Messages
        // AggressiveInlining increase the inline cost threshold,
        // decreased by the use of generics.
        // This allow inlining because has low cost,
        // calculated with the used operations.
        public static string GetValue<T>()
            where T : struct, IMessage
           // Problem:
           //  return default(T).Value
           // Creates a temporal variable using the CIL stack operations.
           // Which avoid some optimizers (like coreclr) to eliminate them.

           // Solution:
           // Create a variable which is eliminated by the optimizer
           // because is unnecessary memory.
           var v = default(T);
           return v.Value;

        public static bool IsError<T>()
            where T : struct, IMessage
           var v = default(T);
           return v.IsError;

    // The use of partial is only to increase the legibility,
    // moving the tricks to the end
    partial struct WelcomeMessageEnglish : IMessage {        
        public string Value {
            get { return "Welcome"; }

        public bool IsError {
            get { return false; }

    partial struct WelcomeMessageSpanish : IMessage {        
        public string Value {
            get { return "Bienvenido"; }

        public bool IsError {
            get { return false; }

    public static void Main() {
        Console.WriteLine(Messages.GetValue<WelcomeMessageEnglish>() );
        Console.WriteLine(Messages.GetValue<WelcomeMessageSpanish>() );

// An struct has Size = 1 and is initializated to 0
// This avoid that, setting Size = 0
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 0)]
    partial struct WelcomeMessageEnglish { [FieldOffset(0)] int _;  }

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 0)]
    partial struct WelcomeMessageSpanish { [FieldOffset(0)] int _;  }


    L0000: push ebp
    L0001: mov ebp, esp
    L0003: mov ecx, [0xfd175c4]
    L0009: call System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)
    L000e: mov ecx, [0xfd17628]
    L0014: call System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)
    L0019: pop ebp
    L001a: ret


对于单声道(在GNU / Linux中):

mono --aot zerocost.exe

objdump -d -M intel zerocost.exe.so > zerocost.exe.so.dump

cat zerocost.exe.so.dump #Looking for <App_Main>