
时间:2017-08-30 12:16:30

标签: arrays numpy convolution

今天上午花了一段时间寻找一个广义问题来指出有关as_strided和/或how to make generalized window functions的问题的重复问题。关于如何(安全地)创建补丁,滑动窗口,滚动窗口,平铺或视图到阵列以进行机器学习,卷积,图像处理和/或数值积分,似乎有很多questions



我能找到的最普遍的函数是@eickenberg编写的sklearn.feature_extraction.image.extract_patches(以及明显等价的skimage.util.view_as_windows),但是那些在网上没有很好地记录,并且不能做窗口轴数少于原始数组中的轴数(例如,this question仅在一个轴上请求一定大小的窗口)。通常,问题只需要numpy个答案。

@Divakar为1-d输入here创建了一个通用numpy函数,但更高维度的输入需要更多关注。我做了一个简单的骨头2D window over 3d input method,但它不是很容易扩展。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


def window_nd(a, window, steps = None, axis = None, outlist = False):
    Create a windowed view over `n`-dimensional input that uses an 
    `m`-dimensional window, with `m <= n`

    a : Array-like
        The array to create the view on

    window : tuple or int
        If int, the size of the window in `axis`, or in all dimensions if 
        `axis == None`

        If tuple, the shape of the desired window.  `window.size` must be:
            equal to `len(axis)` if `axis != None`, else 
            equal to `len(a.shape)`, or 

    steps : tuple, int or None
        The offset between consecutive windows in desired dimension
        If None, offset is one in all dimensions
        If int, the offset for all windows over `axis`
        If tuple, the steps along each `axis`.  
            `len(steps)` must me equal to `len(axis)`

    axis : tuple, int or None
        The axes over which to apply the window
        If None, apply over all dimensions
        if tuple or int, the dimensions over which to apply the window

    outlist : boolean
        If output should be as list of windows.  
        If False, it will be an array with 
            `a.nidim + 1 <= a_view.ndim <= a.ndim *2`.  
        If True, output is a list of arrays with `a_view[0].ndim = a.ndim`
            Warning: this is a memory-intensive copy and not a view


    a_view : ndarray
        A windowed view on the input array `a`, or copied list of windows   

    ashp = np.array(a.shape)

    if axis != None:
        axs = np.array(axis, ndmin = 1)
        assert np.all(np.in1d(axs, np.arange(ashp.size))), "Axes out of range"
        axs = np.arange(ashp.size)

    window = np.array(window, ndmin = 1)
    assert (window.size == axs.size) | (window.size == 1), "Window dims and axes don't match"
    wshp = ashp.copy()
    wshp[axs] = window
    assert np.all(wshp <= ashp), "Window is bigger than input array in axes"

    stp = np.ones_like(ashp)
    if steps:
        steps = np.array(steps, ndmin = 1)
        assert np.all(steps > 0), "Only positive steps allowed"
        assert (steps.size == axs.size) | (steps.size == 1), "Steps and axes don't match"
        stp[axs] = steps

    astr = np.array(a.strides)

    shape = tuple((ashp - wshp) // stp + 1) + tuple(wshp)
    strides = tuple(astr * stp) + tuple(astr)

    as_strided = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided
    a_view = np.squeeze(as_strided(a, 
                                 shape = shape, 
                                 strides = strides))
    if outlist:
        return list(a_view.reshape((-1,) + tuple(wshp)))
        return a_view


a = np.arange(1000).reshape(10,10,10)

window_nd(a, 4).shape # sliding (4x4x4) window
Out: (7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4)

window_nd(a, 2, 2).shape # (2x2x2) blocks
Out: (5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2)

window_nd(a, 2, 1, 0).shape # sliding window of width 2 over axis 0
Out: (9, 2, 10, 10)

window_nd(a, 2, 2, (0,1)).shape # tiled (2x2) windows over first and second axes
Out: (5, 5, 2, 2, 10)

window_nd(a,(4,3,2)).shape  # arbitrary sliding window
Out: (7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 2)

window_nd(a,(4,3,2),(1,5,2),(0,2,1)).shape #arbitrary windows, steps and axis
Out: (7, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3) # note shape[-3:] != window as axes are out of order