
时间:2017-08-20 15:57:31

标签: python scikit-learn

我编写了一个自定义的Transformer对象,它引入了一个时间延迟的信号嵌入。我想将其超参数包含到GridSearchCV中。问题是它需要一个后处理步骤来删除从pandas shift操作引入的空值的行。据我了解,变形金刚不是为了处理目标而设计的,尽管我找到了一种方法来实现目标。问题是,这是一种合法的方法,还是有一种不太常见的方法呢?


from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from pandas.tools.merge import concat
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from typing import Union

class TimeDelayEmbedder(TransformerMixin):
    A Transformer to add time-delay embedding to an existing time history.
    def __init__(self, min_delay: int, max_delay: int):
        Create a new TimeDelayEmbedder.

        :param min_delay: The minimum delay to use.
        :param max_delay: The maximum delay to use.
        self._min_delay = min(min_delay, max_delay)
        self._max_delay = max(min_delay, max_delay)

    def fit(self, X=None, y=None):

        return self

    def transform(self, X: Union[Series, DataFrame], y: Series=None):
        Transform the input data `X`. The returned DataFrame will have null values,
        which will need to be handled separately e.g. with a NullRowDropper.

        :param X: A pandas Series or DataFrame of time histories.
            For DataFrames, each column will have a history added.
        :param y: The targets. These will be unaffected.
        :rtype: DataFrame
        if type(X) is Series:
            assert X.name, 'Input Series must have a name.'
            X = X.to_frame(name=X.name)
        series_list = []
        for column in X.columns:
            for time_step in range(self._min_delay, self._max_delay + 1):
                data = X[column].shift(time_step)
                if time_step < 0:
                    name = '%s__t+%i' % (column, time_step)
                elif time_step == 0:
                    name = '%s__t' % column
                    name = '%s__t-%i' % (column, time_step)
                series_list.append(Series(data=data, name=name))
        df_out = concat(series_list, axis=1)

        return df_out


from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin

class NullRowDropper(TransformerMixin):
    Drop null rows from a data-set.
    Basically a pass-through to pandas dropna() but drops associated rows on the targets too.
    def __init__(self, how='any'):
        Create a new NullRowDropper.

        :param how: `'any'` or `'all'`
        assert how in ('any', 'all'), "param: 'how' must be either 'any' or 'all'"
        self._how = how

    def fit(self, X: DataFrame=None, y: Series=None):

        self._y = y  # save y here so can modify its index inplace later (y is not passed to transform)
        return self

    def transform(self, X: DataFrame, y: Series=None):
        Drop the null rows according to the `how` param given at initialisation.
        :param X: The input pandas DataFrame.
        :rtype: DataFrame
        X_out = X.dropna(how=self._how)
        self._y.drop(set(self._y.index) - set(X_out.index), inplace=True)
        return X.dropna(how=self._how)

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