
时间:2017-08-17 12:32:49

标签: lua zerobrane

我在Windows上使用ZeroBrane在linux上远程调试我的程序 我的程序从c ++调用lua 但断点不能被击中。


Debugger server started at AGOC3-706:8172.
[] Debugger sent (command): basedir D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\
New base directory is D:/WorkSpace/sichuan/branches/v1.0.1-2017-07-12/lua/
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): nil nil nil
[] Debugger sent (command): delallb
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): nil nil nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 1
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  1   nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 37
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  37  nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 305
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  305 nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 831
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  831 nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 1718
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  1718    nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 3441
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  3441    nil
[] Debugger sent (command): load D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): lua/hall2/main.lua  2   nil
[] Debugger sent (command): basedir D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\    lua/
New base directory is D:/WorkSpace/sichuan/branches/v1.0.1-2017-07-12/lua/
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): nil nil nil
[] Debugger sent (command): delallb
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): nil nil nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 1
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  1   nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 37
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  37  nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 305
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  305 nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 831
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  831 nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 1718
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  1718    nil
[] Debugger sent (command): setb D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\hall2\hall.lua 3441
[] Debugger received (file, line, err): hall2/hall.lua  3441    nil
Mapped remote request for 'lua/' to 'D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\'.
Debugging session started in 'D:\WorkSpace\sichuan\branches\v1.0.1-2017-07-12\lua\'.
[] Debugger sent (command): run

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果没有关于您的设置的更多详细信息(IDE的版本,远程使用的调试器版本,在Linux上启动调试器的目录),很难说为什么它可能无法正常工作,但是无法触发断点的一些原因是listed in the FAQ。如果您没有使用IDE的最新版本(v1.60),我会尝试使用它,并且还要确保您远程使用的调试器(mobdebug.lua)也来自该版本。
