MATLAB solve()不能解决特定值的三角矩阵

时间:2017-08-16 12:59:42

标签: matlab symbolic-math euler-angles




clc;clear;close all;

%% For some reason R2 does not want to give a solution
% Find rotation matrix to transform from origin to local reference frame
ex = [ 0.768  0.024 0.640].';
ey = [-0.424  0.768 0.480].';
ez = [-0.480 -0.640 0.600].';

ex2 = [ 0.612372  0.353553 -0.707107].';
ey2 = [0.280330  0.739199 0.612372].';
ez2 = [0.739199 -0.573223 0.353553].';

R = eye(3)*[ex ey ez]
R2 = eye(3)*[ex2 ey2 ez2]
% Symbolic variables
syms beta alpha gamma

% Set up rotatin matrices
R_alpha = [cos(alpha) -sin(alpha) 0; sin(alpha) cos(alpha) 0; 0 0 1]
R_beta = [cos(beta) 0 sin(beta); 0 1 0; -sin(beta) 0 cos(beta)]
R_gamma  = [1 0 0; 0 cos(gamma) -sin(gamma); 0 sin(gamma) cos(gamma)]

% Find symbolic rotation matrix
R_cardan = R_alpha*R_beta*R_gamma

[alpha, beta, gamma] = find_angles(R,R_cardan)
[alpha, beta, gamma] = find_angles(R2,R_cardan) %fails because solution is empty

function [alpha, beta, gamma] = find_angles(R,R_cardan)

% Solve for the angles
sol = solve(R == R_cardan);
alpha = double(sol.alpha(1));
beta = double(sol.beta(1));
gamma = double(sol.gamma(1));



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

问题在于您解决了完全匹配R == R_cardan。当您使用有限精度时,这很危险,并且可能没有解决方案,因为它发生在R2。您的目标是找到一个解决方案,使差异R - R_cardan非常小 - 理想情况下为零。



并尽量减少此功能。在R = R_cardan处理想的解决方案会导致零损失,但即使这在数值上是不可能的,您也会得到一个尽可能接近最优解的解(就欧几里德距离而言)。 / p>

在MATLAB中,这有点复杂,但在help pages中有详细描述。

  1. 根据RR_cardan定义损失函数,并将所有未知数放入向量x

    f = sum(sum((R - R_cardan).^2));
    x = [alpha; beta; gamma];
  2. 分析计算损失函数的梯度和Hessian:

    gradf = jacobian(f, x).'; % column gradf
    hessf = jacobian(gradf, x);
  3. 将这些函数从符号函数转换为MATLAB函数句柄:

    fh = matlabFunction(f, gradf, hessf, 'vars', {x});
  4. 设置优化器以使用渐变和Hessian:

    options = optimoptions('fminunc', 'SpecifyObjectiveGradient', true, ... 
                                      'HessianFcn', 'objective', ...
                                      'Algorithm', 'trust-region')
  5. 最小化!

    solution = fminunc(fh, [0;0;0], options);
    alpha_hat = solution(1);
    beta_hat = solution(2);
    gamma_hat = solution(3);
  6. 对于第一个示例R,这提供了与solve完全相同的解决方案。 对于第二个示例R2,重构矩阵R2_hat(通过将估计值插入R_cardan获得)几乎R2相同,但在最低有效数字上有一些差异:

    R2 =
        0.6124    0.2803    0.7392
        0.3536    0.7392   -0.5732
       -0.7071    0.6124    0.3536
    R2_hat =
        0.6125    0.2805    0.7390
        0.3533    0.7392   -0.5734
       -0.7071    0.6123    0.3537