我正在使用inScope Studio的塔防教程作为我正在制作的游戏的支架,并设置了一个工作的A *探路者从头到尾,但是我在设置时遇到了麻烦攻击单位的动态寻路。
这是我的A *脚本和相关代码:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public static class AStar
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary for all nodes in the game
/// </summary>
private static Dictionary<Point, Node> nodes;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a node for each tile in the game
/// </summary>
private static void CreateNodes()
//Instantiates the dicationary
nodes = new Dictionary<Point, Node>();
//Run throughm all the tiles in the game
foreach (TileScript tile in LevelManager.Instance.Tiles.Values)
//Adds the node to the node dictionary
nodes.Add(tile.GridPosition, new Node(tile));
/// <summary>
/// Generates a path with the A* algothithm
/// </summary>
/// <param name="start">The start of the path</param>
public static Stack<Node> GetPath(Point start, Point goal)
if (nodes == null) //If we don't have nodes then we need to create them
//Creates an open list to be used with the A* algorithm
HashSet<Node> openList = new HashSet<Node>();
//Creates an closed list to be used with the A* algorithm
HashSet<Node> closedList = new HashSet<Node>();
// 1,2,3
Stack<Node> finalPath = new Stack<Node>();
//Finds the start node and creates a reference to it called current node
Node currentNode = nodes[start];
//1. Adds the start node to the OpenList
while (openList.Count > 0)//Step 10
//2. Runs through all neighbors
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
Point neighbourPos = new Point(currentNode.GridPosition.X - x, currentNode.GridPosition.Y - y);
if (LevelManager.Instance.InBounds(neighbourPos) && LevelManager.Instance.Tiles[neighbourPos].Walkable && neighbourPos != currentNode.GridPosition)
//Sets the initial value of g to 0
int gCost = 0;
if (Math.Abs(x - y) == 1)//Check is we need to score 10
gCost = 10;
else //Scores 14 if we are diagonal
if(!ConnectedDiagonally(currentNode, nodes[neighbourPos]))
gCost = 14;
//3. Adds the neighbor to the open list
Node neighbour = nodes[neighbourPos];
Debug.Log (gCost);
if (openList.Contains(neighbour))
if (currentNode.G + gCost < neighbour.G)//Step 9.4
neighbour.CalcValues(currentNode, nodes[goal], gCost);
else if (!closedList.Contains(neighbour))//9.1
openList.Add(neighbour); //9.2
neighbour.CalcValues(currentNode, nodes[goal], gCost);//9.3
//5. & 8. Moves the current node from the open list to the closed list
if (openList.Count > 0)//STEP 7.
//Sorts the list by F value, and selects the first on the list
currentNode = openList.OrderBy(n => n.F).First();
Debug.Log ("currentNode: " + currentNode.GridPosition.X + ", " + currentNode.GridPosition.Y + "\ngoal: " + nodes[goal].GridPosition.X + ", " + nodes[goal].GridPosition.Y);
if (currentNode == nodes[goal])
while (currentNode.GridPosition != start)
currentNode = currentNode.Parent;
return finalPath;
private static bool ConnectedDiagonally(Node currentNode, Node neighbor)
Point direction = neighbor.GridPosition - currentNode.GridPosition;
Point first = new Point (currentNode.GridPosition.X + direction.X, currentNode.GridPosition.Y + direction.Y);
Point second = new Point (currentNode.GridPosition.X, currentNode.GridPosition.Y + direction.Y);
if (LevelManager.Instance.InBounds (first) && !LevelManager.Instance.Tiles [first].Walkable)
return false;
if (LevelManager.Instance.InBounds (second) && !LevelManager.Instance.Tiles [second].Walkable) {
return false;
return true;
private void GeneratePathToTarget()
Point targetLocation = new Point (target.transform.parent.GetComponent<TileScript> ().GridPosition.X, target.transform.parent.GetComponent<TileScript> ().GridPosition.Y);
path = AStar.GetPath (this.GridPosition, targetLocation);
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if (other.tag == "Tower" && Attacker)
target = other.gameObject;
GeneratePathToTarget ();