
时间:2017-08-15 03:48:29

标签: algorithm


red    |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
yellow |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
blue   |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|

我可以拿3张牌(相同数字,笔直,直线齐平),而每种类型的得分都不同。 我的问题是,如何计算正在进行的游戏的最大可能得分(找到最佳组),其中一些卡已经丢失。 例如:

red    |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
yellow |1|2|3| |5| |7|8|
blue   |1|2| |4|5|6| |8|


1-1-1    20  
2-2-2    30  
3-3-3    40  
4-4-4    50  
5-5-5    60  
6-6-6    70  
7-7-7    80  
8-8-8    90  


1-2-3    10  
2-3-4    20  
3-4-5    30  
4-5-6    40  
5-6-7    50  
6-7-8    60  


1-2-3    50  
2-3-4    60  
3-4-5    70  
4-5-6    80  
5-6-7    90  
6-7-8   100 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


开始查看具有红色8作为最高牌的组合:三种r8-y8-b8,直接冲洗r6-r7-r8,以及每种可能的直线* 6- * 7-r8。对于其中的每一个,从集合中取出卡片,并递归检查与黄色8,然后是蓝色8,然后是红色7,黄色7,蓝色7,红色6 ......的组合,直到您检查了除了2&1和1;然后添加三种2-2-2和1-1-1(如果有的话)。在每个步骤中,检查哪个递归返回最大分数,并返回此最大值。


red    ...|6|7|8|
yellow ...|6| |8|
blue   ...| |7|8|


score = 90 + max_score(cards_copy, next = red 7)



score = 100 + max_score(cards_copy, next = yellow 8)


score = 60 + max_score(cards_copy, next = yellow 8)


score = max_score(cards_copy, next = yellow 8)





function clone(array) {                                   // copy 2-dimensional array
    var copy = [];
    array.forEach(function(item) {copy.push(item.slice())});
    return copy;
function max_score(cards, suit, rank) {
    suit = suit || 0; rank = rank || 7;                             // start at red 8
    var max = 0;
    if (rank < 2) {                               // try 3-of-a-kind for rank 1 and 2
        if (cards[0][0] && cards[1][0] && cards[2][0]) max += 20;
        if (cards[0][1] && cards[1][1] && cards[2][1]) max += 30;
        return max;
    var next_rank = suit == 2 ? rank - 1: rank;
    var next_suit = (suit + 1) % 3;
    max = max_score(clone(cards), next_suit, next_rank);    // try skipping this card
    if (! cards[suit][rank]) return max;
    if (suit == 0 && cards[1][rank] && cards[2][rank]) {           // try 3-of-a-kind
        var score = rank * 10 + 20 + max_score(clone(cards), 0, rank - 1);
        if (score > max) max = score;
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                       // try all possible straights
        if (! cards[i][rank - 2]) continue;
        for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            if (! cards[j][rank - 1]) continue;
            var copy = clone(cards);
            copy[j][rank - 1] = 0; copy[i][rank - 2] = 0;
            var score = rank * 10 - 10 + max_score(copy, next_suit, next_rank);
            if (i == suit && j == suit) score += 40;    // straight is straight flush
            if (score > max) max = score;
    return max;
document.write(max_score([[1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1]]));


function max_score(cards, suit, rank) {
    suit = suit || 0; rank = rank || 7;                             // start at red 8
    var max = 0;
    if (rank < 2) {                               // try 3-of-a-kind for rank 1 and 2
        if ((cards &  65793) ==  65793) max += 20;     // 65793 = rank 1 of all suits
        if ((cards & 131586) == 131586) max += 30;    // 131586 = rank 2 of all suits
        return max;
    var next_rank = suit == 2 ? rank - 1: rank;
    var next_suit = (suit + 1) % 3;
    var this_card = 1 << rank << suit * 8;
    max = max_score(cards, next_suit, next_rank);           // try skipping this card
    if (! (cards & this_card)) return max;
    if (suit == 0 && cards & this_card << 8 && cards & this_card << 16) { // try 3oaK
        var score = rank * 10 + 20 + max_score(cards, 0, rank - 1);
        if (score > max) max = score;
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                       // try all possible straights
        var mid_card = 1 << rank - 1 << i * 8;
        if (! (cards & mid_card)) continue;
        for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            var low_card = 1 << rank - 2 << j * 8;
            if (! (cards & low_card)) continue;
            var cards_copy = cards - mid_card - low_card;
            var score = rank * 10 - 10 + max_score(cards_copy, next_suit, next_rank);
            if (i == suit && j == suit) score += 40;    // straight is straight flush
            if (score > max) max = score;
    return max;
document.write(max_score(parseInt("111101110111111111011111", 2)));
//                                 B       Y       R
//                                 876543218765432187654321


    if (suit == 0) {                              // try straight flush for all suits
        var flush3 = 460551 << rank - 2;     // 460551 = rank 1, 2 and 3 of all suits
        if ((cards & flush3) == flush3) {
            max = rank * 30 + 90;
            if (rank > 2) max += max_score(cards - flush3, 0, rank - 3);
            return max;