
时间:2017-08-09 15:22:33

标签: ios core-location core-motion

我正在尝试检测Automotive ActivtyType,但问题是如果“我继续驾驶然后停车并停留在车内”并简单检查coreMotion日志:我会继续获得众多

high Confidence: Automotive: True, Stationary: True 

high confidence: Automotive: True, Stationary: False

low confidence: Automotive: True, Stationary: True

我没有得到唯一的固定式:真的,它总是带有汽车   同样是真的






func beginMotionTracking(){

    let motionLog = OSLog(subsystem: "Spike", category: "Motion")

    shouldUseTimer = false
    motionActivityManager = CMMotionActivityManager()
    var totalWalking = 0
    var totalAutomotive = 0
    var totalStationary = 0
    var totalFalseAutomotive = 0

    motionActivityManager?.startActivityUpdates(to: OperationQueue.main){
        [weak self] activity in

        os_log("Motion is Tracking | desiredAccuracy is %{public}f | RemainingTime : %{public}f ",log: motionLog, type: .default, (self?.locationManager.desiredAccuracy)! , UIApplication.shared.remainingTime())

        if activity?.walking == true && (activity?.confidence == .medium || activity?.confidence == .high) && activity?.automotive == false && activity?.stationary == false && activity?.unknown == false {
            totalWalking += 1

            os_log("medium and high conf: walking %{public}d time", log: motionLog, type: .error, totalWalking)

        }else if activity?.stationary == true && (activity?.confidence == .medium || activity?.confidence == .high) && activity?.automotive == false && activity?.walking == false && activity?.unknown == false {
            totalStationary += 1

            os_log("medium and high conf: stationary %{public}d time", log: motionLog, type: .error, totalStationary)

            // false automotive
        }else if activity?.automotive == true && activity?.stationary == true && (activity?.confidence == .high) && activity?.walking == false  && activity?.unknown == false {
            totalFalseAutomotive += 1
            os_log("high conf: FALSE Automotive %{public}d time", log: motionLog, type: .error, totalFalseAutomotive)

            if totalFalseAutomotive > 2{
                totalFalseAutomotive = 0
                totalAutomotive = 0
                totalStationary = 0
                totalWalking = 0

                os_log("Too many FALSE automotives, REST all counts back to 0", log: motionLog, type: .fault)
        else if activity?.automotive == true && (activity?.confidence == .high) && activity?.walking == false && activity?.stationary == false && activity?.unknown == false {
            totalAutomotive += 1
            os_log("high conf: Automotive %{public}d time", log: motionLog, type: .error, totalAutomotive)

            if ((totalWalking > 3 && totalAutomotive > 2) || (totalStationary > 3 && totalAutomotive > 2) || (totalAutomotive > 7)){
                self?.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters

                os_log("Motion is Automotive and is about to be stopped: desired AccuracyChanged to HundredMeters | RemainingTime : %{public}f ", log: motionLog, type: .fault, UIApplication.shared.remainingTime())

                self?.shouldUseTimer = true


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