
时间:2017-08-09 08:25:12

标签: r data.table



n <- 2 
contributors <- 1:2
dates <- 2

DT <- data.table(ID = rep(rep(1:n, contributors), each = dates))
DT[, contributor := c(1,1,2,2,2,3)]
DT[, date := c(1,2,1,1,2,2)]
DT[, amount := rnorm(.N)]
DT[, rate := c(1,1,1,3,3,4)]
#    ID contributor date     amount rate
# 1:  1           1    1 -1.3888607    1
# 2:  1           1    2 -0.2787888    1
# 3:  2           2    1 -0.1333213    1
# 4:  2           2    1  0.6359504    3
# 5:  2           2    2 -0.2842529    3
# 6:  2           3    2 -2.6564554    4

var.list <- as.list(Cs(amount, rate))

collapse <- function(x) paste(x, collapse = ',')
fun.list <- list(sum, collapse)

dcast.data.table(data = DT, ID + contributor ~ date,
                 fun.aggregate = fun.list,
                 value.var = var.list, fill = NA)
# Error in aggregate_funs(fun.call, lvals, sep, ...) : 
#   When 'fun.aggregate' and 'value.var' are both lists, 'value.var' must be either of length =1 or =length(fun.aggregate).


length(var.list) == length(fun.list)
# [1] TRUE


dcast.data.table(data = DT, ID + contributor ~ date,
                 fun.aggregate = list(sum, collapse),
                 value.var = var.list, fill = NA)

#    ID contributor amount_sum_1 amount_sum_2 rate_collapse_1 rate_collapse_2
# 1:  1           1   -1.3888607   -0.2787888               1               1
# 2:  2           2    0.5026291   -0.2842529             1,3               3
# 3:  2           3           NA   -2.6564554              NA               4


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

对于它的价值,您可以手动构建对from local_settings import *的调用,使用dcast将用户提供的列表文字传递给substitute(),如下所示:< / p>


但是,你的用户(即在这个例子中调用z = as.data.table(expand.grid(a=LETTERS[1:3],b=1:3,c=5:6,d=3:4,stringsAsFactors =FALSE))[sample(36,9)] myfun = function(DT,fmla,funs,vars) do.call("dcast",list(zz,a~.,fun=substitute(funs),value.var = list('c','d'))) myfun(z,a~.,list(sum,mean),list('c','d')) > a c_sum d_mean > 1: A 24 3.500000 > 2: B 10 3.500000 > 3: C 18 3.333333 的用户)必须提供一个列表文字,因为这并没有绕过{{1}的内部它传递给传递给myfun()的参数的AST,它需要一个列表文字。