
时间:2017-08-04 15:17:14

标签: validation haskell generics recursion




-- Some type synonyms for better readability
type Name = Text
type Age = Int
type Email = Text
type GeneralError = Text
type FieldError = Text

-- a polymorphic record to help preserve the shape of various records
data User n a e = User {name :: n, age :: a, email :: e}

-- the incoming value which has been parsed into the correct type
-- but still needs various values to be validated, eg length, format, etc
type UserInput = User Name Age Email

-- specifies the exact errors for each field
type UserError = User [FieldError] [FieldError] [FieldError]

-- specifies how to validate each field. the validator is being passed
-- the complete record along with the specific field to allow
-- validations that depends on the value of another field
type UserValidator = User
                     (UserInput -> Name -> Either ([GeneralError], [FieldError]) Name)
                     (UserInput -> Age -> Either ([GeneralError], [FieldError]) Age)
                     (UserInput -> Email -> Either ([GeneralError], [FieldError]) Email)

let (validationResult :: Either ([GeneralError], UserError) UserInput)
  = genericValidation (i :: UserInput) (v :: UserValidator)

现在,在:*:周围递归执行此操作可能不起作用的原因是,需要查看每个验证函数的结果,然后确定返回值是否应该是一个Left ([GeneralError], UserError)Right UserInput。我们无法在第一个失败的验证函数上评估Left值。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


现在,在:*:周围递归执行此操作可能不起作用的原因是,需要查看每个验证函数的结果,然后确定返回值是否应为Left ([GeneralError], UserError)或一个Right UserInput。我们无法在第一个失败的验证函数上评估Left值。

Applicative的标准Either行为不是该类型的唯一合理行为!正如您所说,当您(例如,验证表单)时,您希望返回 all 的集合,而不仅仅是第一个发生的错误。所以这里的类型在结构上与Either相同,但具有不同的Applicative实例。

newtype Validation e a = Validation (Either e a) deriving Functor

instance Semigroup e => Applicative (Validation e) where
    pure = Validation . pure
    Validation (Right f) <*> Validation (Right x) = Validation (Right $ f x)
    Validation (Left e1) <*> Validation (Left e2) = Validation (Left $ e1 <> e2)
    Validation (Left e) <*> _ = Validation (Left e)
    _ <*> Validation (Left e) = Validation (Left e)

当两个计算都失败时,组合计算也会失败,返回使用Semigroup实例组成的两个错误 - 两个错误,对于两个的某些合适概念。如果两个计算都成功,或者只有其中一个计算失败,则Validation的行为类似于Either。所以它有点像EitherWriter应用程序的Frankensteinian混搭。



data UserTemplate f = UserTemplate {
    name :: f Name,
    age :: f Age,
    email :: f Email
type User = UserTemplate Identity


newtype Validator e a = Validator { runValidator :: a -> Validation e a }

一个有用的类:HTraversableTraversable类似,但适用于类型构造函数类别到Hask的仿函数。 (a previous question of mine中的更多内容。)

class HFunctor t where
    hmap :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> t f -> t g
class HFunctor t => HTraversable t where
    htraverse :: Applicative a => (forall x. f x -> Compose a g x) -> t f -> a (t g)
    htraverse f = hsequence . hmap f
    hsequence :: Applicative a => t (Compose a g) -> a (t g)
    hsequence = htraverse id

为什么HTraversable相关? Traversable Classic™允许您将Applicative效果(如Validation)排序到同类容器(如列表)上。但是记录更像是异构容器:记录“包含”一堆字段,但每个字段都有自己的类型。 HTraversable正是您需要对多态容器进行Applicative次操作时的类。


class HZip t where
    hzip :: (forall x. f x -> g x -> h x) -> t f -> t g -> t h

UserTemplate方式构建的记录是可遍历和可拉伸的。 (事实上​​它们通常是HRepresentable - 类似于Representable的高阶概念 - 这是一个非常有用的属性,但我不会在这里详述。)

instance HFunctor UserTemplate where
    hmap f (UserTemplate n a e) = UserTemplate (f n) (f a) (f e)

instance HTraversable UserTemplate where
    htraverse f (UserTemplate n a e) = UserTemplate <$>
        getCompose (f n) <*>
        getCompose (f a) <*>
        getCompose (f e)

instance HZip UserTemplate where
    hzip f (UserTemplate n1 a1 e1) (UserTemplate n2 a2 e2) = UserTemplate (f n1 n2) (f a1 a2) (f e1 e2)

希望对于适合此模式的任意记录,Generic或{H} HTraversableHZip的实现应该很容易。


type Validatable t = (HZip t, HTraversable t)
validate :: (Semigroup e, Validatable t) => t (Validator e) -> Validator e (t Identity)
validate t = Validator $ htraverse (Compose . fmap Identity) . hzip val t
    where val v = runValidator v . runIdentity




type UserError e = UserTemplate (Const e)

instance Semigroup e => Semigroup (UserError e) where
   x <> y = hzip (<>) x y

您可以更轻松地编写较小的验证器 - 这样每个验证器都不需要知道整个错误结构 - 使用镜头。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


我们将使用常规记录,而不是使用多态记录,并使用generics-sop库进行扩充。此库允许您定义和使用记录的通用表示,其中每个记录字段都包装在某个类型构造函数中。通用表示基本上是n-ary products parameterized by a type-level list of field types。请注意,这些字段没有名称;如果我们想直接操纵n-ary产品,我们需要在位置上工作。

import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP
import Control.Applicative.Lift (Errors,runErrors,failure)

data User = User { name :: Name, age :: Age, email :: Email } deriving (Show,GHC.Generic)

instance Generic User -- this generic is from generics-sop


newtype Validator r a = 
    Validator { runValidator :: r -> a -> Errors [FieldError] a } 

Usher包装一个函数,将FieldError s注入N-ary错误记录的正确插槽中:

newtype Usher res xs a = Usher { getUsher :: res -> NP (K res) xs }


ushers :: forall r xs res. (IsProductType r xs, Monoid res)
       => Proxy r -> NP (Usher res xs) xs
ushers _ =
    let expand (Fn injection) =
            Usher $ \res -> hexpand (K mempty) (unK (injection (K res)))
    in hliftA expand (injections @xs @(K res))


-- combine the individual fields of a list of uniform n-ary-products 
fold_NP :: forall w xs . (Monoid w, SListI xs) => [NP (K w) xs] -> NP (K w) xs
fold_NP = Prelude.foldr (hliftA2 (mapKKK mappend)) (hpure (K mempty))


validate :: forall r xs . IsProductType r xs
         => NP (Validator r) xs -> r -> Either (NP (K [FieldError]) xs) r
validate validators r =
    let validators' = validators    :: NP (Validator r) xs
        rs = hpure (K r)            :: NP (K r) xs -- a copy of the record in each slot
        np = unZ (unSOP (from r))   :: NP I xs -- generic representation of the record
        validated                   :: NP (Errors [FieldError])   xs
        validated = hliftA3 (\(Validator v) (K rec) (I a) -> v rec a) validators' rs np

        ushers' = ushers (Proxy @r) :: NP (Usher [FieldError] xs) xs -- error injectors
        injected                    :: NP (Errors [NP (K [FieldError]) xs]) xs
        injected = hliftA2 (\(Usher usher) errors ->
                                case runErrors errors of
                                    Right a' -> pure a'
                                    Left es -> failure [usher es])
    in bimap fold_NP (to . SOP . Z) . runErrors . hsequence $ injected


main :: IO ()
main = do
   let valfail msg = Validator (\_ _ -> failure [msg])
       validators = valfail "err1" :* valfail "err2" :* valfail "err3" :* Nil 
   print $ validate validators (User "Foo" 40 "boo@bar")
   -- returns Left (K ["err1"] :* (K ["err2"] :* (K ["err3"] :* Nil)))