I have a txt
file which represents the entries of a matrix. It is structured like this:
columns rows value
x1 x1 matrix value for x1-x1
x1 x2 matrix value for x1-x2
x1 x3 matrix value for x1-x3
x1 x_n matrix value for x1 - x_n
(blank line)
x2 x1 matrix value for x2 - x1
x2 x2 matrix value for x2 - x2
x2 x3 matrix value for x2 - x3
x2 x_n matrix value for x2 - x_n
(blank line)
and so on...
I need to read it and store the matrix values in a matrix, to be plotted with imshow
and also put in a way such that I can act on it with the Cholesky decomposition implemented in numpy
There are two problems I am facing :
1) skipping the blank lines in the file (if that matters, I know at which line they occur) I tried to solve this by isolating the third column from my original file and using the following on it
with open('thirdcolumn.txt') as f_in:
lines = list(line for line in (l.strip() for l in f_in) if line)
2) nevertheless, if I do that and reshape the matrix
matrix = np.reshape(lines,(n,n))
this is not good for the Cholesky decomposition:
No loop matching the specified signature and casting
was found for ufunc cholesky_lo
nor for plotting
TypeError: Image data can not convert to float