程序可以正确找到设备(使用下面的Find_EvalB函数),但是当我尝试分离内核驱动程序时,它给了我Errno 40,它说该请求不受支持且无法执行。当我进一步挖掘时,我发现当我试图照亮并找到设备句柄时,该操作也失败了。由于某种原因,我的设备似乎没有句柄或找不到它,因此无法执行I / O操作(这是我正确读取设备所需的)。
# Function for finding the evaluation board (device) and detaching the kernel driver to start communication (I/O)
def Find_EvalB(vendor_id, product_id):
global backend
# Find the Microcontroller
devi = usb.core.find(find_all = False, backend = backend, custom_match = None, idVendor = vendor_id, idProduct = product_id)
# Note if the Microcontroller was not found or found
if devi is None:
raise ValueError('The device you searched for was not found')
print( )
# Detach kernel from the interface (needed to perform I/O operations) ---- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CURRENT PROBLEM IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -----
# Right now, we do not have permission to detach the kernel driver - PROBLEM = OUR DEVICE HAS NO HANDLE
if devi.is_kernel_driver_active(interface = 0):
devi.detach_kernel_driver(interface = 0)
except usb.core.USBError as e:
sys.exit("Kernel detachment failed, please fix this and try again: %s" % str(e))
# Use the first/default configuration that we find (this will be in Interface 0)
# Get an interface number and endpoint instance - first instance
cfg = devi.get_active_configuration()
interface_number = cfg[(0,0)].bInterfaceNumber
alternate_setting = usb.control.get_interface(devi, interface_number)
intf = usb.util.find_descriptor(cfg,
bInterfaceNumber = interface_number,
bAlternateSetting = alternate_setting)
ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
custom_match = \
lambda e: \
usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
assert ep is not None
# Function to print all device descriptor information -- NOTE: ENDPOINT TYPES - ( 0=ctrl transfer, 1=iso, 2=bulk, 3=intr) - I have gotten a bulk transfer type
def dev_descriptors(x):
# List the Device Settings
_name = usb.util.get_string(x, 256,2)
print( )
print("Device Name=", _name)
print(" Device Class:", x.bDeviceClass)
print(" Max Packet Size:", x.bMaxPacketSize0)
print(" Number of Configurations:", x.bNumConfigurations)
print(" idVendor:", hex(x.idVendor))
print(" idProduct:", hex(x.idProduct))
#print(" Device Handle: ", x.handle)
print( )
# List the Configurations Settings
for config in devi:
print("Configuration Value:", config.bConfigurationValue)
print(" Configuration Length:", config.bLength)
print(" Total Length:", config.wTotalLength)
print( )
# List the Interface Settings
for intf in config:
print("Interface Number:", intf.bInterfaceNumber)
print(" Alternate Setting:", intf.bAlternateSetting)
print(" Interface Class:", intf.bInterfaceClass)
print(" Interface Sub Class:", intf.bInterfaceSubClass)
print(" Interface Protocol:", intf.bInterfaceProtocol)
print(" Interface Length:", intf.bLength)
print( )
# List the Endpoint Settings
for ep in intf:
print("Endpoint:", hex(ep.bEndpointAddress))
print(" Type:", ep.bmAttributes)
print(" Max Packet Size:", ep.wMaxPacketSize)
print(" Interval:", ep.bInterval)
print(" Synch Address:", ep.bSynchAddress)
print( )
# ---- Bulk Transfer ----
# Create a list that we will add to over the course of the transfer
data_list = []
# Read the device and get all the data values
data = devi.read(endpoint = ep_two, size = size, interface = 0, timeout = None) # I CHANGED THE TIMEOUT AND THE INTERFACE (INTERFACE WAS 00, TIMEOUT WAS 5000)
print( )
if num_of_samples != 0:
print('Capacitance Data:')
sample_number = 0
while num_of_samples > 0:
# Now, we will read the data value of whichever sample number we are on (this loop will continuously go through each sample)
# -- We are using str.format to format our decimal values of the data to whatever number of significant figures we need --
data_value = data[sample_number]
print(toStr(str.format('{0:.15f}', data_value)))
# Finally, we will increase/decrease appropriately
sample_number = sample_number + 1
num_of_samples = num_of_samples - 1
data_list = add_item(data_list, data_value)
# Once the number of samples reaches 0, the while loop will end and all of the data will have been taken
print( )
#---- End of Bulk Transfer ----