
时间:2017-07-26 18:36:32

标签: sql oracle




--  ------------  ----------
 1             1           5
 2             6          10


   -- ------
    1      1
    1      2
    1      3
    1      4
    1      5
    2      6
    2      7
    2      8
    2      9
    2     10


select   id, start_number + level - 1 next_tag
                        from  (select id, start_number,end_number
                        from NUM_RANGES
                        where id = 1
        connect by level <=  end_number -  start_number + 1

没有“where id = 1”我得到62行重复,其中有明显的帮助,但更大的范围1 - 200,200-500它的工作太慢..


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在Oracle 12c上,您可以使用CROSS APPLY:

select *
from num_ranges
cross apply(
   select level - 1 + start_number as my_new_number
   from dual
   connect by level <= end_number - start_number + 1

答案 1 :(得分:0)

在Oracle 11.2及更早版本中,您可以使用分层查询:

     num_ranges ( id, start_number, end_number ) as (
       select 1, 1,  5 from dual union all
       select 2, 9, 12 from dual
-- End of simulated input data (for testing purposes only, not part of the solution).
-- SQL query begins below this line.
select     id, start_number + level - 1 as nmbr
from       num_ranges
connect by level <= end_number - start_number + 1
       and prior id = id
       and prior sys_guid() is not null
order by   id, nmbr  --  If needed

        ID       NMBR
---------- ----------
         1          1
         1          2
         1          3
         1          4
         1          5
         2          9
         2         10
         2         11
         2         12

具体而言,如果不将新行与同一id的新行链接,则会产生疯狂数量的不必要的行。这就是您需要prior id = id的原因。需要附加条件prior sys_guid() is not null,以便Oracle不会看到它不应该看到它们的周期(这些周期是由&#34; prior id = id&#34;)引起的。< / p>

在Oracle 12.1或更高版本中,您可以使用lateral子句:

select   n.id, l.nmbr
from     num_ranges n,
         lateral ( select start_number + level - 1 as nmbr from dual
                   connect by level <= end_number - start_number + 1 ) l
order by id, nmbr  --  If needed

答案 2 :(得分:0)


with cte as (select 0 as c from dual)
, cte4 as (select c from cte union all select c from cte union all select c from cte union all select c from cte)
, cte256 as (select t0.c from cte4 t0, cte4 t1, cte4 t2, cte4 t3)
, nums as (select row_number() over(order by null) as n from cte256 t0, cte256 t1, cte256 t2)
select NR.id, nums.n as NUMBER_
from nums
join NUM_RANGES NR on nums.n between NR.START_NUMBER and NR.END_NUMBER