Pandas to_csv删除行(写入文件类对象时)

时间:2017-07-26 15:03:48

标签: python pandas

当使用tempfile.TemporaryFile作为中间件将pandas DF写入csv(to_csv)时,某些行会从DF的末尾静默删除。 丢弃的行数取决于DF的长度和宽度,看似不可预测。



请参阅下面的代码和结果(python 3.5,pandas 0.20

import shutil
from io import TextIOWrapper, BufferedWriter
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import pandas as pd

def pd_bug(size, rep_str):
    out_path = "bug_{}_{}".format(rep_str, size)

    diags = {"str": [rep_str] * size, "num": [i for i in range(size)]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(diags)

    with TemporaryFile() as f, BufferedWriter(f) as bw, TextIOWrapper(bw) as iow:
        df.to_csv(iow, index=False)
        with open(out_path, "w+b") as t:
                shutil.copyfileobj(f, t)


pd_bug(100, "abc")      # tail -n1 bug_abc_100      ->                <EMPTY>
pd_bug(1000, "abc")     # tail -n1 bug_abc_1000     ->                <EMPTY>
pd_bug(2000, "abc")     # tail -n1 bug_abc_2000     ->  1943,abc      <57 dropped>
pd_bug(5000, "abc")     # tail -n1 bug_abc_5000     ->  4676,abc      <324 dropped>
pd_bug(10000, "abc")    # tail -n1 bug_abc_10000    ->  9231,abc      <769 dropped>
pd_bug(50000, "abc")    # tail -n1 bug_abc_50000    ->  49488,abc     <512 dropped>

pd_bug(100, "pandas")   # tail -n1 bug_pandas_100   ->                <EMPTY>
pd_bug(1000, "pandas")  # tail -n1 bug_pandas_1000  ->  754,pandas    <46 dropped>
pd_bug(2000, "pandas")  # tail -n1 bug_pandas_2000  ->  1458,pandas   <542 dropped>
pd_bug(5000, "pandas")  # tail -n1 bug_pandas_5000  ->  4873,pandas   <127 dropped>
pd_bug(10000, "pandas") # tail -n1 bug_pandas_10000 ->  9654,pandas   <346 dropped>
pd_bug(50000, "pandas") # tail -n1 bug_pandas_50000 ->  49433,pandas  <567 dropped>

这似乎只发生在使用类似文件的对象上;使用标准 df.to_csv("/a/path/ok")正常工作 - 没有删除行

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