
时间:2017-07-23 07:39:31

标签: r



Date  | Participant | Ctry | Rank | Speed
----- |-------------|------|------|-------
17/01 | 1           | AU   | 1    | 0.9   
18/01 | 1           | AU   | 4    | 0.6   
19/01 | 1           | AU   | 2    | 0.7   
20/01 | 1           | AU   | 1    | 0.4   
17/01 | 2           | ZA   | 5    | 0.3   
18/01 | 2           | ZA   | 3    | 0.5   
19/01 | 2           | ZA   | 4    | 0.6   


StartDate  | Participant | Ctry | Rank_1 | Rank_2 | Rank_3 | Speed_1 | Speed_2 | Speed_3
---------- | ----------- | ---- | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------- | -------
17/01      | 1           | AU   | 1      | 4      | 2      | 0.9     | 0.6     | 0.7
18/01      | 1           | AU   | 4      | 2      | 1      | 0.6     | 0.7     | 0.4
17/01      | 2           | ZA   | 5      | 3      | 4      | 0.3     | 0.5     | 0.6


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




# define number of records per row
n_recs <- 3L
# create sequences of dates to be included per row using shift() with multiple offsets,
# keep only complete sequences, add StartDate column for later dcast()
windows <- na.omit(DT[, shift(Date, seq_len(n_recs) - 1L, type = "lead"), by = Participant])[
  , StartDate := V1]
# reshape to long form for later join, 
# rename variables for automatic creation of column names in dcast()
lwin <- melt(windows, id.vars = c("Participant", "StartDate"), value.name = "Date")[
    , variable := stringi::stri_replace(variable, fixed = "V", "")]
# right join with original data to create additional rows,
# reshape from long to wide form using multiple value vars,
# reorder for convenience 
  DT[lwin, on = .(Participant, Date)], 
  StartDate + Participant + Ctry ~ variable, value.var = c("Rank", "Speed"))[
    order(Participant, StartDate)]


   StartDate Participant Ctry Rank_1 Rank_2 Rank_3 Speed_1 Speed_2 Speed_3
1:     17/01           1   AU      1      4      2     0.9     0.6     0.7
2:     18/01           1   AU      4      2      1     0.6     0.7     0.4
3:     17/01           2   ZA      5      3      4     0.3     0.5     0.6


我已经认识到上面的代码依赖于隐含的假设,即每个参与者的记录至少应与记录相结合。 OP的样本数据包含4行参与者library(data.table) DT <- fread( "Date | Participant | Ctry | Rank | Speed 17/01 | 1 | AU | 1 | 0.9 18/01 | 1 | AU | 4 | 0.6 19/01 | 1 | AU | 2 | 0.7 20/01 | 1 | AU | 1 | 0.4 17/01 | 2 | ZA | 5 | 0.3 18/01 | 2 | ZA | 3 | 0.5 19/01 | 2 | ZA | 4 | 0.6 ", sep = "|" ) 和3行参与者1,因此满足此条件。


# create new sample data including cases with less than 3 records per participant
DT <- fread(
  "Date  | Participant | Ctry | Rank | Speed
  17/01 | 1           | AU   | 1    | 0.9   
  18/01 | 1           | AU   | 4    | 0.6   
  19/01 | 1           | AU   | 2    | 0.7   
  20/01 | 1           | AU   | 1    | 0.4   
  17/01 | 2           | ZA   | 5    | 0.3   
  18/01 | 2           | ZA   | 3    | 0.5   
  19/01 | 2           | ZA   | 4    | 0.6   
  17/01 | 3           | DE   | 2    | 0.8,
  17/01 | 4           | DK   | 3    | 0.8,
  18/01 | 4           | DK   | 4    | 0.8",
  sep = "|"

# modified code
n_recs <- 3L
min_rows <- 1L
windows <- DT[, lapply(shift(Date, seq_len(n_recs) - 1L, type = "lead"), 
                       head, n = pmax(.N - n_recs + 1L, min_rows)), 
              by = Participant][, StartDate := V1]
lwin <- melt(windows, id.vars = c("Participant", "StartDate"), value.name = "Date", 
             na.rm = TRUE)[
  , variable := stringi::stri_replace(variable, fixed = "V", "")]
  DT[lwin, on = .(Participant, Date)], 
  StartDate + Participant + Ctry ~ variable, value.var = c("Rank", "Speed"))[
    order(Participant, StartDate)]


这是通过在计算 StartDate Participant Ctry Rank_1 Rank_2 Rank_3 Speed_1 Speed_2 Speed_3 1: 17/01 1 AU 1 4 2 0.9 0.6 0.7 2: 18/01 1 AU 4 2 1 0.6 0.7 0.4 3: 17/01 2 ZA 5 3 4 0.3 0.5 0.6 4: 17/01 3 DE 2 NA NA 0.8, NA NA 5: 17/01 4 DK 3 4 NA 0.8, 0.8 NA 时使用head()明确限制为每个参与者创建的行数来实现的。此外,现在必须使用参数windows调用melt()

如果na.rm = TRUE设置为min_rows,则不完整的第4行和第5行将从最终结果中消失。