问题: 我需要匹配和替换pandas df列'messages'中的整个单词和字典值。 有什么方法可以在df [“column”]中执行此操作.replace命令?或者我是否需要找到另一种方法来替换整个单词?
背景 在我的熊猫数据框中,我有一列文本消息,其中包含英文人名按键,我试图用“名字”的字典值替换。数据框中的特定列如下所示,您可以在其中将“tommy”视为单个名称。
0 what do i need to do
1 what do i need to do
2 hi tommy thank you for contacting app ...
3 hi tommy thank you for contacting app ...
4 hi we are just following up to see if you read...
字典是根据我从2000年人口普查数据库中提取的列表创建的。它有许多不同的名字,可以匹配内联文本,包括'al'或'tom',如果我不小心,可以在pandas df列消息的任何地方放置我的值“First Name”:
import requests
#import the total name
r = requests.get('http://deron.meranda.us/data/census-derived-all-first.txt')
#US Census first names
list1= re.findall(r'\n(.*?)\s', r.text, re.DOTALL)
#turn list to string, force lower case
str1 = ', '.join('"{0}"'.format(w) for w in list1)
str1 = ','.join(list1)
str1 = (str1.lower())
#turn into dictionary with "First Name" as value
str1 = dict((el, 'FirstName') for el in str1)
In [254]: tester["message"].replace(str1, regex = True)
0 wFirstNamet do i neFirstName to do
1 wFirstNamet do i neFirstName to do
2 hi FirstNameFirstName tFirstName you for conFi...
3 hi FirstNameFirstName tFirstName you for conFi...
4 hi we are just followFirstNameg up to FirstNam...
Name: message, dtype: object
更新/尝试修复1 :尝试添加一些正则表达式功能以仅匹配整个单词**
我尝试在提取的字符串中为每个单词添加一个中断字符,该字符串是构造字典的字典。不幸的是,单斜线是有限的单词,变成双斜线并且与字典键不匹配 - >价值取代。
#import the total name
r = requests.get('http://deron.meranda.us/data/census-derived-all-first.txt')
l = requests.get('https://deron.meranda.us/data/popular-last.txt')
#US Census first names
list1= re.findall(r'\n(.*?)\s', r.text, re.DOTALL)
#add regex before
string = 'r"\\'
endstring = '\\b'
list1 = [ string + x + endstring for x in list1]
#turn list to string, force lower case
str1 = ', '.join('"{0}"'.format(w) for w in list1)
str1 = ','.join(list1)
str1 = (str1.lower())
##if we do print(str1) it shows one backslash
##turn to list ..but print() doesn't let us have one backlash anymore
str1 = [x.strip() for x in str1.split(',')]
#turn to dictionary with "firstname"
str1 = dict((el, 'FirstName') for el in str1)
tester["message"].replace(str1, regex = True)
“Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次): 错误:糟糕的逃脱\ j“
答案 0 :(得分:1)
)。然后,您需要确保保留前面和后面的元素(通过反向引用)。假设您有一个列表replacement_dict = {
r'(^|\s){}($|\s)'.format(name): r'\1FirstName\2'
for name in first_names
( # Start group.
^|\s # Match either beginning of string or whitespace.
) # Close group.
{} # This is where the actual name will be inserted.
$|\s # Match either end of string or whitespace.
\1 # Backreference; whatever was matched by the first group.
\2 # Backreference; whatever was matched by the second group.
d <- data_frame(ID = rep(sample(500),each = 20))