C ++ Big Integer

时间:2010-12-22 07:42:04

标签: c++

我正在尝试用C ++实现BigInteger类。但是,首先,我有一个基本问题,“基础数据”如何表示?例如,最愚蠢的方法是使用固定(或动态)char数组并在char中存储每个整数的整数。但是,好的,这是一种非常愚蠢的方式,我在这里是为了你的建议。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

现有实施有很多建议:C++ handling very large integers


虽然,对于Project Euler的一些东西,我实际上实现了一个基于字符串构建的BigNumber类。事实证明,对于+ - * /来说,这是最简单的实现,并且缩放到比使用unsigned long long s时更长的数字。并且表现完全足以解决这些难题。

因此,您需要在易于实施和最佳性能之间进行权衡。玩得开心; - )

答案 1 :(得分:5)


对“字符数组”的自然增强是将其保持在基数10,但使用4位作为数字,而不是整个字节。因此,数字123,456可能由字节12 34 56而不是字符串123456表示。 (三个字节而不是六个字节。)

从那里,你可以为二号的数字存储。诸如加法的基本算术运算在基数2中与在基数10中完全相同。因此,可以使用字节FF FF来存储数字65565。 (例如,在unsigned char s的向量中。)BigInts的某些实现使用较大的块,例如shortlong,以提高效率。

如果您要对base-10进行大量显示和/或序列化,并希望避免转换为base-2,那么Base-10 big int就非常有用。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是我的十进制基本实现。值的字符串和符号的布尔值(注意:注意,bool = true =>数字为负)。 几乎所有基本功能都已在这里测试并可以使用。

付款注意:逐位运算符的实现方式(sda-ka-dish)有所不同,所有操作均在 getBinary()函数中进行了解释。


#include <string>
#ifndef AC1_INFINT_H
#define AC1_INFINT_H

class InfInt {
    std::string value;
    bool sign = 0;

InfInt(const std::string&);
InfInt(long int);
InfInt operator=(long int);
explicit operator int() const;

std::string getValue() const;
bool getSign() const;
InfInt operator+(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator-(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator*(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator/(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator%(const InfInt&) const;

bool operator<(const InfInt&) const;
bool operator>(const InfInt&) const;
bool operator<=(const InfInt&) const;
bool operator>=(const InfInt&) const;
bool operator==(const InfInt&) const;
void operator+=(const InfInt&);
void operator-=(const InfInt&);
void operator++();
void operator--();
//void operator++();
//void operator--();

InfInt operator&(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator<<(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator>>(const InfInt& a) const;
void operator<<=(const InfInt&);
void operator>>=(const InfInt&);
void operator&=(const InfInt&);
InfInt operator^(const InfInt&) const;
InfInt operator|(const InfInt&) const;

unsigned long length() const;
std::string align(const unsigned long) const;
void initFromBinary(const std::string);


std::string getBinary() const;

std::string subtract(const InfInt&) const;
std::string add(const InfInt&) const;
void setSign(const bool);
InfInt alignLeft(const unsigned long) const;


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InfInt&);

#endif //AC1_INFINT_H

和cpp文件(如果您寻找特定的运算符,我想Ctrl + F会更好):

// Created by NSC on 11/7/18.
#include <string.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "LargeIntegers.h"

unsigned long InfInt::length() const{
    if (value == "0")
    return 0;
    return value.length();

    value = "0";

InfInt::InfInt(const std::string &s) {
    unsigned long start = s.find_first_not_of("0-");

    if (!std::strcmp(&s[start],"")) {
    std::strcpy(&value[0], "0");

    if(s[0] == '-') {
    sign = 1;
    value = &s[start];

InfInt::InfInt(long int a) {
    sign =0;
    if (a < 0){
    sign = 1;
    a *= -1;

    value = std::to_string(a);

InfInt InfInt::operator=(long int a){
    return *new InfInt(a);

std::string InfInt::getValue() const{
    return value;

bool InfInt::getSign() const{
    return sign;

void InfInt::setSign(const bool s){
    sign = s;

InfInt::operator int() const{
    int final = 0 ;
    int pow = 1;
    for (long i = length() - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) {
    final +=  pow * (value[i] - '0');
    pow*= 10;
    if (sign)
    final *= -1;
    return final;

std::string InfInt::getBinary() const{
    //if the number is 0
    if (!length())
    return "0";
    InfInt temp = *new InfInt(value);
    //sign at the start and then from lsb to msb
    std::string result = "";
    result = result + (char)((int)sign + '0');
    std::string current;

    while (temp > 0){
    current=  (temp%2).getValue();
    if (current.length() == 0)
        result = result + "0";
        result = result + current;
    temp = temp/2;

    return result;

void InfInt::initFromBinary(const std::string b){
    sign = b[0] - '0';
    InfInt temp = 0;
    InfInt shift = 1;
    for (long i=1; i<b.length(); i++){
    temp += *new InfInt((int)(b[i] - '0')) * shift;
    shift = shift * 2;

    value = temp.value;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InfInt& a){
    if (a.length() == 0 || a.getValue()[0] == '0') {
    std::string zero = "0";
    return os << zero;
    if (a.getSign())
    return os << "-" + a.getValue();
    return os<< a.getValue();

std::string InfInt::align(const unsigned long l) const{
    std::string newStr = value;
    for (unsigned long i=0; i<l; i++){
    newStr = "0" + newStr;
    return newStr;

InfInt InfInt::alignLeft(const unsigned long l ) const{
    std::string newStr = value;
    for (unsigned long i=0; i<l; i++){
    newStr = newStr + "0";
    return newStr;

void InfInt::operator++(){

void InfInt::operator--(){
    *this= *this - 1;

//adding the values of the input w/o their sign
std::string InfInt::add(const InfInt & a) const {
    unsigned long numOfZeros = value.length() - a.length();
    std::string aligned = a.align(numOfZeros);
    //now this and a are in the same length

    std::string result;
    int x = 0;
    bool carry = 0;

    for (long i = value.length() -1; i>=0; i--){
    //according to the ascii table '0' = 0 + 48 so subtracting 48 is a more sufficient way to convert
    x=value[i] + aligned[i] - 96 + carry;
    carry = x/10;
    result = (char)(x%10 + 48) + result;

    //in case of "overflow"
    if (carry)
    result = "1" + result;

    return result;

InfInt InfInt::operator+(const InfInt & a) const{
    //a + (-b) = a - b
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign()) {
    InfInt * temp = new InfInt(a.value);
    return *this - *temp;

    //(-a) + b = b - a
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign()) {
    //temp is positive. temp = -a
    InfInt * temp = new InfInt(value);
    return a - *temp;

    //a + b = b + a
    if (value.length() < a.length())
    return a.operator+(*this);

    std::string result = this->add(a);

    //(-a) + (-b) = -(a + b)
    if (getSign() && a.getSign())
    return *new InfInt('-' + result);

    return *new InfInt(result);

//when this function is called, we can be sure that a > b
std::string InfInt::subtract(const InfInt& a) const{

    if (a.length() > length())
    return a.subtract(*this);
    long numOfZeros = this->length() - a.length();
    std::string aligned = a.align(numOfZeros);
    //now this and a are in the same length

    std::string result = "";
    int x = 0;
    bool carry = 0;

    for (long i = value.length() -1; i>=0; i--){
    x=value[i] - aligned[i] - carry;
    carry = false;
    if (x < 0){
        carry = true;
    result = (char)(x + 48) + result;

    return result;

InfInt InfInt::operator-(const InfInt &a) const{
    if (length() == 0)
    return a * *new InfInt(-1);
    if (a.length() == 0)
    return *this * *new InfInt(-1);
    //both positive
    if (!getSign() && !a.getSign()) {
    if (*this > a)
        return *new InfInt(this->subtract(a));

    // a - b = -(b - a)
    InfInt * result = new InfInt(a.subtract(*this));
    return *result;

    //a - (-b) = a + b
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign())
    return *new InfInt(this->add(a));

    //(-a) - b = - (a + b)
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign()) {
    InfInt result = this->add(a);
    return result;

    //(-a) - (-b) = b - a
    InfInt temp1 = *new InfInt(value);
    InfInt temp2 = *new InfInt(a.value);
    return temp2 - temp1;
//    if (a > *this)
//        return *new InfInt(a.subtract(*this));
//    InfInt * result = new InfInt(this->subtract(a));
//    result->setSign(true);
//    return *result;

void InfInt::operator+=(const InfInt& a){
    InfInt temp = *this + a;
    value = temp.value;
    sign = temp.sign;

void InfInt::operator-=(const InfInt& a){
    InfInt temp = *this - a;
    value = temp.value;
    sign = temp.sign;

InfInt InfInt::operator*(const InfInt& a) const{

    InfInt final = 0;
    std::string result;
    InfInt* temp;

    int carry;
    int current;

    //fast mult algorithm. the same we were taught in elementary.
    for(long i=length() - 1;i >= 0; i--){
    carry = 0;
    result = "";
    for (long j=a.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--){
        current = (value[i] - '0') * (a.value[j] - '0') + carry;
        result = (char)(current % 10 + '0') + result;
        carry = current / 10;

    if (carry > 0)
        result = (char)(carry + '0') + result;

    temp = new InfInt(result);
    final += *new InfInt(temp->alignLeft(length() - i - 1));

    final.setSign(sign ^ a.sign);
    return final;

//long division implementation
InfInt InfInt::operator/(const InfInt& a) const {
    if (a.length() == 0 || a.getValue()[0] == '0') {
    throw "Devision By Zero";

    //divider = |a|
    InfInt divider = *new InfInt(a.getValue());
    if (divider > *new InfInt(value))
    return *new InfInt();

    std::string result;
    int idx = 0;

    //temp is the part of the divided that's being currently focused
    InfInt temp = value[idx] - '0';
    while (temp < divider.value)
    temp = temp * 10 + (value[++idx] - '0');

    while(idx < length()) {

    if (temp == 0){
        result = result + "0";
    else {
        // Find prefix of number that's larger
        // than a.value.

        InfInt multNum = 1;
        InfInt leftover = temp - divider;
        while (leftover >= divider) {
            leftover -= divider;
            multNum += 1;

        leftover = temp - (multNum * divider);
        result = result + multNum.getValue();

        temp = leftover * 10 + (value[++idx] - '0');
    // If a.value is greater than value
    if (result.length() == 0)
    return *new InfInt();

    InfInt final = *new InfInt(result);
    final.setSign(this->sign ^ a.getSign());
    return final;

InfInt InfInt::operator%(const InfInt& a) const {
    if (a.length() == 0 || a.getValue()[0] == '0') {
    throw "Modulo By Zero";

    if (a > *this)
    return *new InfInt(*this);
    //divider = |a|
    InfInt divider = *new InfInt(a.getValue());

    if (divider > *new InfInt(value))
    return (*this + a) % a;
    std::string result;
    int idx = 0;
    InfInt leftover;

    InfInt temp = value[idx] - '0';
    while (temp < divider.value)
    temp = temp * 10 + (value[++idx] - '0');

    while(idx < length()) {
    // Find prefix of number that's larger
    // than a.value.

    InfInt multNum = 0;
    leftover = temp;
    while (leftover >= divider) {
        leftover -= divider;
        multNum += 1;

    leftover = temp - (multNum * divider);

    temp = leftover * 10 + (value[++idx] - '0');
    // If a.value is greater than value

    return leftover;

bool InfInt::operator<(const InfInt& a) const{
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign())
    return true;
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign())
    return false;

    unsigned long l1 = length(), l2 = a. length();

    //both positive
    if (!getSign() && !a.getSign()) {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return false;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return true;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return false;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return true;

    else {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return true;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return false;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return true;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return false;

    return false;

bool InfInt::operator<=(const InfInt& a) const{
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign())
    return true;
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign())
    return false;

    unsigned long l1 = length(), l2 = a. length();

    //both positive
    if (!getSign() && !a.getSign()) {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return false;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return true;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return false;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return true;

    else {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return true;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return false;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return true;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return false;

    return true;

bool InfInt::operator>(const InfInt& a) const{
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign())
    return false;
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign())
    return true;

    unsigned long l1 = length(), l2 = a. length();

    //both negative
    if (getSign() && a.getSign()) {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return false;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return true;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return false;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return true;

    else {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return true;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return false;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return true;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return false;

    return false;

bool InfInt::operator>=(const InfInt& a) const{
    if (getSign() && !a.getSign())
    return false;
    if (!getSign() && a.getSign())
    return true;

    unsigned long l1 = length(), l2 = a. length();

    //both negative
    if (getSign() && a.getSign()) {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return false;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return true;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return false;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return true;

    else {
    if (l1 > l2)
        return true;

    if (l1 < l2)
        return false;

    for (long i = 0; i < l1; i++) {
        if (value[i] > a.value[i])
            return true;

        if (value[i] < a.value[i])
            return false;

    return true;

bool InfInt::operator==(const InfInt& a) const{

    if (length() == 0 && a.length() == 0)
    return true;

    //if the signs are not the same
    if (getSign() ^ a.getSign())
    return false;

    if (length() != a.length())
    return false;

    for(long i = 0; i < length(); i++){
    if (value[i] != a.value[i])
        return false;

    return true;

void InfInt::operator<<=(const InfInt& a){

    InfInt result = *this << a;

    value = result.getValue();
    sign = result.getSign();

void InfInt::operator>>=(const InfInt& a){

    InfInt result = *this >> a;

    value = result.getValue();
    sign = result.getSign();

void InfInt::operator&=(const InfInt& a){
     InfInt temp = *this & a;
     value = temp.getValue();
     sign = temp.getSign();

InfInt InfInt::operator^(const InfInt& a) const{
    std::string b1 = this->getBinary();
    std::string b2 = a.getBinary();

    long l1 = b1.length();
    long l2 = b2.length();

    //adding zeros from right doesn't change the value of the number
    int numOfZeros;

    if (l1 > l2) {
    numOfZeros = l1- l2;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b2 = b2 + "0";
    else if (l2 > l1) {
    numOfZeros = l2- l1;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b1 = b1 + "0";

    std::string result = "";

    for (int i = 0; i<l1+1; i++){
    if (b1[i] == '1' ^ b2[i] == '1')
        result = result + "1";
        result = result + "0";

    InfInt final = *new InfInt();
    return final;

InfInt InfInt::operator|(const InfInt& a) const{
    std::string b1 = this->getBinary();
    std::string b2 = a.getBinary();

    long l1 = b1.length();
    long l2 = b2.length();

    //adding zeros from right doesn't change the value of the number
    int numOfZeros;

    if (l1 > l2) {
    numOfZeros = l1- l2;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b2 = b2 + "0";
    else if (l2 > l1) {
    numOfZeros = l2- l1;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b1 = b1 + "0";

    std::string result = "";

    for (int i = 0; i<l1; i++){
    if (b1[i] == '1' || b2[i] == '1')
        result = result + "1";
        result = result + "0";

    InfInt final = *new InfInt();
    return final;

InfInt InfInt::operator&(const InfInt& a) const {
    std::string b1 = this->getBinary();
    std::string b2 = a.getBinary();

    long l1 = b1.length();
    long l2 = b2.length();

    //adding zeros from right doesn't change the value of the number
    int numOfZeros;

    if (l1 > l2) {
    numOfZeros = l1- l2;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b2 = b2 + "0";
    else if (l2 > l1) {
    numOfZeros = l2- l1;
    for (int i=0; i < numOfZeros; i++)
        b1 = b1 + "0";

    std::string result = "";

    for (int i = 0; i<l1; i++){
    if (b1[i] == '1' && b2[i] == '1')
        result = result + "1";
        result = result + "0";

    InfInt final = *new InfInt();
    return final;

InfInt InfInt::operator<<(const InfInt& a) const {
    std::string b = this->getBinary();
    std::string result = "";
    result = result + b[0];

    //adding 0's multiplies by 2
    for (InfInt i = 0; i < a; i+=1){
    result = result + "0";

    //adding the original bits after adding zeros
    for (long j = 1 ; j < b.length(); j ++){
    result = result + b[j];

    InfInt final = *new InfInt();
    return final;

InfInt InfInt::operator>>(const InfInt& a) const {
    std::string b = this->getBinary();

    b.erase(1, (int) a);

    InfInt final = *new InfInt();
    return final;