
时间:2017-07-02 18:54:38

标签: r dygraphs

我用dygraph制作了一些数字并且我对它们很满意但是因为我将它们并排放在我的latex / pdf中,轴刻度标记的大小(y轴上的数字,x轴上的几个月) :2017年1月2017年4月2017年7月2017年)是小。我只是想增加它们并且不成功...我可以将它们与pixelPerLabel = 100分开,所以会有更大的字母,但我不能使用axisLabelFormatter


dygraph_dfm2 <- function(xts_object, show = "never", impulse = "2016-04-01", legend_compl = "", last_data = last_data_point , title = "some title"){
  dygraph(xts_object,main = title)%>%
    dyOptions(digitsAfterDecimal = 3,drawAxesAtZero = TRUE) %>%     # dyOptions(dygraph,digitsAfterDecimal = 5) ... dygraph fills the graph!
      # dyAxis("y", label = "AAA", axisLabelWidth = 34) %>%
      # dyAxis("x", label = "AAA",axisLabelWidth = 34) %>%
      # dyAxis("x", label = "xxx") %>%
dySeries(colnames(xts_object)[1], strokePattern = "solid", strokeWidth = 2, color = "blue")%>%
dyEvent(last_data, paste(last_data_point), labelLoc = "bottom")%>%
dyLegend(show = show) %>%
dyShading(from = "1960-04-01", to = "1961-02-01") %>%
dyShading(from = "1969-12-01", to = "1970-11-01") %>%
dyShading(from = "1973-11-01", to = "1975-03-01")%>%
dyShading(from = "1980-01-01", to = "1980-07-01")%>%
dyShading(from = "1981-07-01", to = "1982-11-01")%>%
dyShading(from = "1990-07-01", to = "1991-03-01")%>%
dyShading(from = "2001-03-01", to = "2001-11-01")%>%
dyShading(from = "2007-12-01", to = "2009-06-01")

如何将它们增加到1.5尺寸等? 谢谢!

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