我正在尝试使用bootstrap carousel来显示4个项目而不是3个。我想要显示的第4个项目将不会显示。这是我的代码如下。不确定我做错了什么。我看了很多,但似乎找不到答案。
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<h1 class="intro">Hi, I’m Mike Otis a free lance web developer.</h1>
<h3 id="main"> I build webpages in many ways. If you are looking to get a new web site or redesign a current website , or have some questions. You have come to the rite place. Check out the services I offer in the menu tab above or click on the Learn more button to see what I can do for you. No job is too small, no job is too big. 100% custom websites.</h3>
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<h1>Mike Otis Web debonair</h1>
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<h3>My name is mike otis and I build websites. I love building things on the web. Things move fast in this industry and I love the ever avolving technologys and how they develop. My passion is learning all things web development. I always make time to learn new things and perfect the skills that I have attained over the years. I mainly work with html css ruby on rails Jquery and content manegment systems like Wordpress joomla and drupal. I am available for hire now. If you need a website or have a project, send me a detailed message and I will get back to you shortly so we can get you the help you need. </h3>
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<h2 class="services-header">Mobile Friendly Websites</h2>
<p class="service-paragraph">Nowadays most people view websites from there phones or tablets. If your site needs to be seen on mobile devices you will want to make sure your site is mobile friendly. The websites I build can be seen across all devices. Do not miss out on oppurtunitys becasue your site is hard to navigate on a mobile device.</p>
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<h2 class="services-header">E-Commerce</h2>
<p class="service-paragraph">An e-commerce site can take your business to the next level. Wether you have a small buiness or large buisness. It will open doors for you all over the world. Of course you are going to have some questions along the way and I will be there to walk you through the process and answer all of your questions. I have solutions that will give your customers the secure and intuitive shopping experience they deserve</p>
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<h2 class="services-header">Content Management Systems</h2>
<p class="service-paragraph">Keep your website management in-house using a content management system customized for the needs of your business. Here are a few options for you. Each one is different in its own way. Follow the links to see what each one can do for you and your buiness. If you still have lingering questions after reading up on some of the content managment systems, feel free to contact me so we can get your buiness started on the rite path.</p>
<a href="#">WordPress</a>
<a href="#">Drupal</a>
<a href="#">Joomla</a>
<a href="#">Ruby On Rails</a>
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<h2 class="services-header">Web Site Maintenence</h2>
<p class="service-paragraph">Do you need upadates to an existing website or changes made to a preexisting site. Do you want to move your site to another platform. I can help.</p>
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<h2 class="services-header">SEO </h2>
<p class="service-paragraph">Ever wander how some pages pop up on the front page of your search engine? That's where the SEO thing comes into play. SEO (search engine optimisation) Make sure your website will be found when potential customers or clients search for your products and services via major search engines such as Google and Yahoo or Bing.</p>
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