EDIT2:我删除了输入验证,因此现在值不会被破坏。 为onkeyup方法添加了更多功能。但是,例如,如果我输入三个值,对于Widht,GSM和Weight,将计算长度,但由于所有函数都在键上,随着长度,其他值也会发生变化。
编辑:例如,如果提供长度,宽度和GSM的值,则将指定权重值{formula:Length * Width * GSM / 3100}
如果给出宽度,GSM和重量的值,则应计算长度{公式:(重量* 3100)/宽度* GSM}
我有四个输入框,我想要的是当用户放入三个框中的任何一个时,第四个值应该在第四个框中自动生成。 现在我的代码工作时有一个固定的盒子,我们必须得到第四个值
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<title>Paper Calc 2</title>
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<div class="container-fluid">
<div id = "case_one" class="calcoptions sizemod">
<h5>1. To find the weight (in <b>Kilograms</b>) of a ream containing 500 sheets of a given size in <b>inches</b> and <b>Gram-Weight.</b></h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
Length: <input type="number" step="0.01" name="length_in" id="length" placeholder="Length(inch)" onkeyup="fun(); fun2(); fun3();">inch
Width: <input type="number" step="0.01" name="width_in" id="width" placeholder="Width(inch)" onkeyup="fun(); fun2(); fun4();">inch
GSM: <span class="extraSpace"> </span><input type="number" step="0.01" name="length_in" id="GSM" placeholder="GSM" onkeyup="fun(); fun3(); fun4();"> <!-- <button type = "button" name = "calc2" class = 'btnclass' id="cal2" onclick="func2()"> calc2-->
Weight: <input type="number" step = "0.01" name="Weight_Kg" id = "weight" onkeyup="fun2(); fun3(); fun4();"> <!-- KG <button type = "button" name = "calc1" id="cal1" class = 'btnclass' onclick="func1()">
calc1 -->
<p id='err'></p>
function fun()
var l = document.getElementById('length').value;
var w = document.getElementById('width').value;
var g = document.getElementById('GSM').value;
if (l && w && g)
var wt = document.getElementById('weight');
var calculate = (eval(l)*eval(w)*eval(g))/3100;
wt.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
function fun2()
var l = document.getElementById('length').value;
var w = document.getElementById('width').value;
var wt = document.getElementById('weight').value;
if (l && w && wt)
var g = document.getElementById('GSM');
var calculate = (eval(wt)*3100)/(eval(l)*eval(w));
g.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
function fun3()
var l = document.getElementById('length').value;
var wt = document.getElementById('weight').value;
var g = document.getElementById('GSM').value;
if (l && g && wt)
var w = document.getElementById('width');
var calculate = (eval(wt)*3100)/(eval(l)*eval(g));
w.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
function fun4()
var w = document.getElementById('width').value;
var wt = document.getElementById('weight').value;
var g = document.getElementById('GSM').value;
if (w && g && wt)
var l = document.getElementById('length');
var calculate = (eval(wt)*3100)/(eval(w)*eval(g));
l.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
function calculateWeightInInches() {
var Length = document.getElementById("txt_weight").value;
var width = document.getElementById("txt_width").value;
var GSM = document.getElementById("txt_GSM").value;
var calculate = (Length * width * GSM) / 3100;
var result = document.getElementById("txt_Result");
// if (Length < 0)
// {
// document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = 'Incorrect Length!';
// }
error = document.getElementById('err_1');
if (calculate < 0 || width > 300 || width < 1 || GSM < 5 || GSM > 800 || Length < 1 || Length > 99) {
result.value = 0;
error.style.display = 'block';
} else {
result.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
error.style.display = 'none';
<div class="container-fluid">
<div id="case_one" class="calcoptions sizemod">
<h5>1. To find the weight (in <b>Kilograms</b>) of a ream containing 500 sheets of a given size in <b>inches</b> and <b>Gram-Weight.</b></h5>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
Length: <input type="number" step="0.01" name="length_in" id="txt_weight" placeholder="Length(inch)" min="1" max="99" onkeyup="calculateWeightInInches();">inch
<br><br> Width: <input type="number" step="0.01" name="width_in" id="txt_width" placeholder="Width(inch)" min="1" max='300' onkeyup="calculateWeightInInches();">inch
<br><br> GSM: <span class="extraSpace"> </span><input type="number" min="5" max="800" step="0.01" name="length_in" id="txt_GSM" placeholder="GSM" onkeyup="calculateWeightInInches();">
<br><br> Weight: <input type="number" step="0.01" name="Weight_Kg" id="txt_Result" readonly="readonly">KG
<div class="col-md-6">
<p id="err_1" style="display: none;">
Valid Range: <br> L = 1 to 99 inch <br> W = 1 to 99 inch <br> GSM = 5 to 800 <br><br> Formula: (Length * width * GSM) / 3100
<div id="case_two" class="calcoptions sizemod">
我正在尝试将另一个函数放在onkeyup中,但它会破坏代码。 [因为价值不断变化]
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function calculateWeightInInches() {
var Length = document.getElementById("txt_weight").value;
var width = document.getElementById("txt_width").value;
var GSM = document.getElementById("txt_GSM").value;
var calculate = (Length * width * GSM) / 3100;
var result = document.getElementById("txt_Result");
// if (Length < 0)
// {
// document.getElementById('err').innerHTML = 'Incorrect Length!';
// }
error = document.getElementById('err_1');
if(calculate < 0 || width > 300 || width < 1 || GSM < 5 || GSM > 800 || Length < 1 || Length > 99)
result.value = 0;
error.style.display = 'block';
if(Length && width && GSM) {
var GSMElement = document.getElementById("txt_GSM");
var lengthElement = document.getElementById("txt_weight");
var widthElement = document.getElementById("txt_width");
var elementsArray = [GSMElement,widthElement,lengthElement]
ele.addEventListener('change', function() {
result.value = calculate.toFixed(2);
error.style.display = 'none';