How deep do I need to clone my state when only updating parts of the state?

时间:2017-06-20 12:36:48

标签: reactjs redux react-redux

Until recently, I've always just used lodash's cloneDeep to make a copy of my state, then change values and return the cloned state. For example like this:

This would be my initial state:

    "id": 1213,
    "title": "Some title...",
    "pages": {
        "page1": {
            "id": 459,
            "title": "Some Page title...",
            "fields": {
                "field_1": {
                    "title": "My field",
                    "type": "text",
                    "value": "my text value..."
                "field_2": {
                    "title": "My field 2",
                    "type": "text",
                    "value": "my text two value..."
                "field_3": {
                    "title": "My field 3",
                    "type": "text",
                    "value": "my text value..."

Now, I want to update the value of field_2.

My redux reducer would look like this:

import cloneDeep from 'lodash/fp/cloneDeep';

export default function reducer(state, action) {
  const {type, payload} = action;
  switch (type) {
    case 'UPDATE_FIELD_VALUE': {
      const { pageIdent, fieldIdent, newValue } = payload;
      // This is what I'm doing right now....
      const newState = cloneDeep(state);
      newState.pages[pageIdent]fields[fieldIdent]value = newValue;
      return newState;
      // Instead could I do this?
      return {
        state.pages[pageIdent]fields[fieldIdent]value = newValue;

So, I've read that I don't always have to do deep clone...but in other places I've read that you cannot return the same object, you have to return new objects at all times. So what is the right way to do this?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

是的,不要那样做。引用the Redux FAQ on whether you should deep-clone state






Common Redux误解:你需要深度克隆状态。现实:如果内部的某些内容没有变化,请保持其引用相同!



深度克隆在两个方面对性能有害:克隆所有内容需要做更多的工作,新对象引用会导致实际上没有的数据的UI更新值的变化(但是新的引用使得UI 认为发生了变化)。

您应该阅读Redux docs page on "Immutable Update Patterns"。这是该页面的嵌套状态更新示例:

function updateVeryNestedField(state, action) {
    return {
        first : {
            second : {
                [action.someId] : {
                    fourth : action.someValue

如果你觉得这太繁琐或痛苦,你应该改变你的状态结构,以便它更平坦,或者你可以使用那里的许多immutable update utility libraries中的一个来处理更新过程适合你。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 状态的部分,根据提供给reducer的操作,更改是应更改的部分。因此,如果您要更新field_1,则field_2不得更改。
  2. 如果有一部分状态应该更改,则始终会发生变化。因此,如果您的操作更新field_2,则field_2对象引用应该更改。
  3. 如果您的州允许“深度”更新,这会容易得多。状态规范化是redux应用程序中使用的更好的“模式”之一,并在文档中进行了描述。



    "books" : {
        "1213": {
            "id": 1213,
            "title": "Some title...",
            "pages: [..., "page1", ...],
    "pages": {
        "page1": {
            "id": 459,
            "title": "Some Page title...",
            "fields": [..., "field_1", "field_2", "field_3", ...],
    "fields": {
        "field_1": {
            "title": "My field",
            "type": "text",
            "value": "my text value..."
        "field_2": {
            "title": "My field",
            "type": "text",
            "value": "my text value..."
        "field_3": {
            "title": "My field",
            "type": "text",
            "value": "my text value..."



    import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
    // This reducer handles all actions that affect book entities
    const books = (state = {}, action = {}) => state;
    // This reducer handles all actions that affect page entities
    const pages = (state = {}, action = {}) => state;
    // This reducer handles all actions that affect field entities. 
    // For your problem, this would look like:
    const fields = (state = initialFields, action = {}) => {
        switch (action.type) {
            case 'UPDATE_FIELD_VALUE':
                return { 
                    [fieldIdent]: {
                        value: newValue,
              return state;
    // This results in the state structure above
    const reducer = combineReducers({


    有些库可以帮助您从JSON API响应数据中构建您的状态。这是一个相当不错的选择:


答案 2 :(得分:-1)
