如何为SciPy curve_fit提供雅可比行列式

时间:2017-06-19 21:42:37

标签: python numpy scipy numerical-methods sage


#Compute the Jacobian (using SageMath)
x4Sigmoid(x) = c*x^n/(h+x^n)
sigjac = jacobian(x4Sigmoid, [n,h]) 

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from numpy import inf, power

#Define sigmoid function as Python function
def sigmoid(x, n, h):
    return 8*power(x,n)/(h+power(x,n))

def jacfun(x, *args):
    h,n = args[0]
    return sigjac(x,h=h,n=n)

#Separate x and y values of data
x4xData = [val[0] for val in x4ciscoperchRelAbundanceData]
x4yData = [val[1] for val in x4ciscoperchRelAbundanceData]

#Do the fitting
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid, x4xData, x4yData, p0=[3,4], bounds = ([1, 0], [inf, inf]), jac=jacfun)

这会产生错误消息ValueError: too many values to unpack。我如何为SciPy提供它可以使用的雅可比?或者我应该尝试别的吗?

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