任何人都可以帮助Objective C新手吗?

时间:2010-12-15 22:30:39

标签: objective-c





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Interface Builder + View Controllers

这对你来说很好:View Controllers Programming Guide

(Apple's) View Controller Reference Guide

Some Code Samples

Getting Started Sample Code

答案 1 :(得分:0)



要向nib / xib文件中添加元素,您需要打开库窗口,在那里您可以找到使用按钮的标签,按钮等,您需要在头文件中定义一个动作,并勾选在IB中,为了能够与代码中的UIElements进行交互,您需要在头文件中设置出口,并将它们连接到IB中。


如果您不熟悉obj-c和xcode,那么从http://www.pragprog.com之类的人那里购买电子书可能是值得的。比尔·达德尼(Bill Dudney)在那里有一部iPhone,非常好(我相信他现在适合苹果使用。)

对于标准滑出转换,您可以使用此功能。     //你可能想把它称为level1NavBarItemWasPushed:而不是      - (IBAction)lvl1pushNavBarItem:(id)sender {         //创建AnswersViewController类的实例。         AnswersViewController * level1AnswersVC = [[Level1AnswersViewController alloc] init];

    //pass it some kind of identifier so it can tell which quiz/question it is dealing with and pull in the answers, so that you can reuse the view
    [level1AnswersVC setAnswersObject:<<insert object dictionary here>>];

    //push the view controller onto the navigationController's view stack 
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:level1AnswersVC animated:TRUE];

    //pushing it onto the view stack has given it +1 retain, so we can now release it without worrying about it disappearing prematurely.
    [level1AnswersVC release];


- (IBAction)lvl1pushNavBarItem:(id)sender {
    //create instance of AnswersViewController class.
    AnswersViewController *level1AnswersVC= [[Level1AnswersViewController alloc] init];

    //pass it some kind of identifier so it can tell which quiz/question it is dealing with and pull in the answers, so that you can reuse the view
    [level1AnswersVC setAnswersObject:<<insert object dictionary here>>];

    //set the current viewController as the delegate, so that it can call back to us when its done        
    level1AnswersVC.delegate = self;

    //set the modal transition style
level1AnswersVC.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;

    //show answers as modal view, which has been setup to use the page flip transition.
[self presentModalViewController:level1AnswersVC animated:YES];

    //pushing it onto the view stack has given it +1 retain, so we can now release it without worrying about it disappearing prematurely.
    [level1AnswersVC release];

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我建议 Head First iPhone Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone 。在几章内,您将了解构建此应用程序所需的一切,您将真正理解您正在做的事情。
