
时间:2017-06-14 11:08:10

标签: xml xslt

我希望将值内部的标记添加为id并在标题标记内部标记部分编号  我的输入XML文件:

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<chapter id="d102e3" xml:lang="en-US">

<title outputclass="Chapter_Title">Base Food</title>
<subsection id="d102e11" xml:lang="en-US" outputclass="Heading_1">
<title> § 38.1 Nothing</title>
<p outputclass="Body_Text">1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</p>

<subsection id="d102e20" xml:lang="en-US" outputclass="Heading_2">
<title> § 38.1.1 Proposed Amendments: “Accredited Natural Person”</title>

<p outputclass="Body_Text">1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</p>




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    <section level="sect{format-number(count(preceding::subsection)+1,'0000')}" id="sect_chap38_38.1" num="38.1">

  <xsl:template match="*[contains(@class,' topic/p ')]">

  <xsl:template match="*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]">



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<title>Base Food</title>
<section level="sect0001" id="sect_chap38_38.1" num="38.1">
<title> § 38.1 Nothing</title>
<para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>
<section level="sect0001" id="sect_chap38_38.1" num="38.1">
<title> § 38.1.1 Proposed Amendments: “Accredited Natural Person”</title>

<para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<title>Base Food</title>
<section level="sect1" id="sect_chap38_38.1" num="38.1">
<para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>
<section level="sect2" id="sect_chap38_38.1.1" num="38.1.1">
<title>Proposed Amendments: “Accredited Natural Person”</title>

<para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>
<section level="sect1" id="sect_chap38_38.2" num="38.2">
    <para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>
    <section level="sect2" id="sect_chap38_38.2.1" num="38.2.1">
    <title>Proposed Amendments: “Accredited Natural Person”1</title>

    <para>1Y The Act also states that the may undertake a review of the definition of the term.</para>




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


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      <xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="\s*§\s(\d.+?)\s">
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      concat('sect_chap', tokenize($num, '\.')[1], '_', $num)

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